Manage Your Subscription

How to access your subscription settings to change or cancel your subscription, update your payment method, and manage plan add-ons.

The Payment & Subscription page allows you to manage several aspects of your ShipStation account. This article will help you make changes to your current ShipStation subscription plan and show you how to update your account payment details.

Please see our guides on the following options, which are also managed on the Payment & Subscription page:

You can make changes to your ShipStation subscription plan at any time. Please visit the ShipStation Pricing page for details about each subscription plan level.

Credit/Debit Card and PayPal Account Only

  • ShipStation accepts subscription payments by credit or debit card and PayPal account only. Payments by check or via bank transfer are currently not available payment methods.

  • ShipStation accepts all major credit cards. Prepaid gift cards are not accepted.

  • If you have insufficient funds in your account when we bill your card, we will attempt to charge the card again on the next business day.

Change Your Subscription Plan

You can change your subscription plan in ShipStation at any time, which you may need to do if your shipment volume increases or varies by season. Additionally, a change in your plan level allows you to adjust the number of users for your account.

You can upgrade for the long term, or just for a month.

Upgrade Plan

Upgrade your plan at any time and those changes will apply immediately. Please note that the current month’s charges will be prorated based on the date of upgrade.

Downgrade Plan

Downgrade your plan at any time. Subscription periods are billed in advance, so the current 30-day cycle will continue to the end of the period when that plan level began. The plan downgrade will take effect for the next 30-day billing cycle.

For example, if you start at a Bronze plan but temporarily upgrade to Platinum for the season's rush, you can downgrade back to Bronze any time before the next billing cycle.

For the remainder of the current 30-day billing cycle, the Platinum plan services apply to your account. The Bronze plan will apply again at the start of the new billing cycle.

To find the dates of your billing cycle, click the Past Invoices link at the top right of the page. From there, you can view your most recent invoice, which will list the dates of your billing cycle.

The past invoices link is shown on the payment & subscriptions page.

Update Payment Method

Cancel Subscription

The information below will tell you all you need to know to cancel your account.

Once your subscription has been closed for 30 days, if you have any remaining funds in your ShipStation Balance we will automatically process a refund in the next 14 business days.

To cancel your subscription:

Leave Us Your Feedback!

Please consider leaving us a note to let us know why you are canceling and what we can do to improve ShipStation. We'd really appreciate it!

What Happens When I Cancel My Subscription?

When you cancel your ShipStation subscription, several things will happen.

Keep in mind, your subscription will be valid until the last day of your billing cycle, so you can continue to use ShipStation fully until that time.

After Your Subscription Ends

  • You can still log in to ShipStation, but only the Account > Payment & Subscription settings will be available to view (should you want to resubscribe).

    Account settings sidebar with Payment & Subscription option selected
  • You will not be able to run any reports from your ShipStation account. Be sure to run any reports you need while your subscription is still active.

Remaining Balance

If you have a account connected to ShipStation with a balance, please contact directly if you'd like to also close that account and request a refund.

Call (855) 860-7867 (Hours: M-F, 6am to 6pm PT) or email

Reinstate a Canceled ShipStation Account

If you have previously canceled your account, you can reinstate it by re-selecting or changing your subscription plan and updating your billing details.

If your account has been canceled due to non-payment, ShipStation will allow you to log in but will only show you the Payment & Subscription page. Update your billing details to reinstate your account.

Your account will be reactivated and you can access the rest of the app to start shipping again! Your new billing period will start the day you reactivate your account.