Filters allow you to view shipment or fulfillment records that match only the selected criteria. For example, filter your shipment record by Store, Marketplace, Carrier, or Ship From Location. Filter your fulfillment records by Ship Date, Country, Marketplace Notification, Shipment Notification, or Provider.
Combining filters is a powerful way to quickly view the records that you need to prioritize or to give special attention.
Shipments Filter Bar
Fulfillments Filter Bar
Displays the following filters: Ship Date, Country, Provider, Marketplace Notification, and Shipment Notification.
Default Ship Date Filter
By default, Recent shipments have their shipDate filter set to the last 14 days. In Transit, Delivered, and Delivery Exceptions have a shipDate filter set to 30 days.
Recent fulfillments have their shipDate filter set to the last 8 days.
The steps to apply filters work the same for both shipment records and fulfillment records.
For shipment records, ShipStation automatically adds these filters to a Custom View in a tab above the filter bar. Currently, custom views are not available for fulfillment records.
To remove a single filter, click the filter and choose Remove.
To remove all filters, click Clear Filters (to the right of the filter bar).
You can save the custom view for future use. Review the Custom Shipment View article for details.
If you are using ShipStation's Legacy Layout, follow the instructions below to filter shipments.
Shipments Filter Bar
The results of your selected filter(s) will appear in the Shipments grid.
To remove a filter, click X clear on the right in the filter bar.
Unlike the Orders tab, the Shipments tab does not have an option to select saved filter sets or save custom views for later use. When filtering shipments, you'll need to select the filters each time.