What's New in ShipStation?


We want to keep you up to date as we release new features and improve ShipStation's functionality. This release information highlights what's new or changed in ShipStation recently.

Updated Functionality

The following enhancements have been released for existing ShipStation features:

🇪🇺 🇳🇿 🇦🇺: Order Details Cost Summary has Tax Inclusive with Order Total

We have updated the Order Details Cost Summary to reflect regional differences in how taxes apply. Merchants in the European Union, Australia, and New Zealand will see that the Order Total will be Tax Inclusive, since VAT is added at the time of purchase in those regions. US and Canadian merchants will not see any changes to the appearance in Order Details.

Order Details. Box highlights hover over message that reads, Total is tax inclusive.:

Product Defaults, Service Mappings, and Automation Rules - Updated Order of Operations

We adjusted the order of operations to apply service mapping automation before product default automation. Please see our updated Automation Basics KB article that accurately reflects the current order of operation and state of Automation.

Return Label generated with Outbound Shipment PDF

We have corrected an issue so that now when you include a return label with your outbound label, it will print with your outbound shipment’s label as expected. Previously, return labels were not appearing with the first PDF that generates with an outbound shipment. Merchants had to go back to reprint it.

Prior-Month Releases

The following updates were released in January of 2023 or earlier.

Support for Kilogram

For new UK, AU, and NZ merchants, Kilograms are supported as a unit of weight measurement. This should be more in-line with the standards of most carriers.

Customs Field Description for Commercial Invoices

We have increased the character limit to 100 characters for the customs description field for each item in the declarations section. Previously, it was limited to 35 characters and descriptions on shipments were getting cut off for some line items despite the carrier having no limitations to descriptions.

Using FirstMile

We have updated our integration with FirstMile, now allowing you to declare your shipment contains Dangerous Goods.

Side-By-Side Rate Comparison in the Rate Browser

The Rate Browser now allows you to compare rates side-by-side for connected carriers. The All Rates view shows the recommended service and then the rates from cheapest to most expensive.

Rate Browser All Rates view with the All Rates drop-down highlighted.

Ship From Drop-Down Added to Rate Browser

You can now select a postal code from a saved Ship From address or create a new Ship From address when using the Rate Browser.


Updated Functionality

The following enhancements have been released for existing ShipStation features:

🇪🇺 🇳🇿 🇦🇺: Order Details Cost Summary has Tax Inclusive with Order Total

We have updated the Order Details Cost Summary to reflect regional differences in how taxes apply. Merchants in the European Union, Australia, and New Zealand will see that the Order Total will be Tax Inclusive, since VAT is added at the time of purchase in those regions. US and Canadian merchants will not see any changes to the appearance in Order Details.

Order Details. Box highlights hover over message that reads, Total is tax inclusive.:

Product Defaults, Service Mappings, and Automation Rules - Updated Order of Operations

We adjusted the order of operations to apply service mapping automation before product default automation. Please see our updated Automation Basics KB article that accurately reflects the current order of operation and state of Automation.

Return Label generated with Outbound Shipment PDF

We have corrected an issue so that now when you include a return label with your outbound label, it will print with your outbound shipment’s label as expected. Previously, return labels were not appearing with the first PDF that generates with an outbound shipment. Merchants had to go back to reprint it.

Prior-Month Releases

The following updates were released in January of 2023 or earlier.

Support for Kilogram

For new UK, AU, and NZ merchants, Kilograms are supported as a unit of weight measurement. This should be more in-line with the standards of most carriers.

Customs Field Description for Commercial Invoices

We have increased the character limit to 100 characters for the customs description field for each item in the declarations section. Previously, it was limited to 35 characters and descriptions on shipments were getting cut off for some line items despite the carrier having no limitations to descriptions.

Using FirstMile

We have updated our integration with FirstMile, now allowing you to declare your shipment contains Dangerous Goods.

Side-By-Side Rate Comparison in the Rate Browser

The Rate Browser now allows you to compare rates side-by-side for connected carriers. The All Rates view shows the recommended service and then the rates from cheapest to most expensive.

Rate Browser All Rates view with the All Rates drop-down highlighted.

Ship From Drop-Down Added to Rate Browser

You can now select a postal code from a saved Ship From address or create a new Ship From address when using the Rate Browser.
