
Chronopost is the #1 express delivery parcel service in France. ShipStation's integration with Chronopost is available to ShipStation accounts based in France and supports domestic delivery (including to French territories) and international delivery. For international delivery, ShipStation submits customs declarations for each shipment electronically.

To create an account with Chronopost, visit the Chronopost sign-up page.

Chronopost Requirements

Connection Requirements:

  • A France-based ShipStation account

  • An active account with Chronopost

  • Your Chronopost account number and password

Your Chronotrace Code is Your Account Password

You will use your Chronotrace code as your account password in ShipStation. Contact your Chronopost account manager to request the Chronotrace Code for your account.

Connect a Chronopost Account to ShipStation

To connect your Chronopost account to ShipStation:

  1. Click the Add Carrier button.

  2. Select Chronopost and click Connect.

    Chronopost logo on tile with button that reads, "Connect".
  3. Enter your Chronopost Username and Password.

  4. Click Connect.

Available Features for Chronopost

ShipStation's integration with Chronopost supports the following standard features:

Chronopost Additional Features

ShipStation's integration with Chronopost allows for the following additional features:



A4 Drop-off Labels

You can create an A4-sized (210 x 297 mm, close to 8.5" x 11") label where proof of drop off and drop-off instructions are provided as a tear-off element.

Labels charged upon label creation

Your Chronopost account is charged when you create the label, not when the label is scanned.

Carrier insurance

Estimated rates in ShipStation do not include carrier insurance fees.

Void labels

You can void Chronopost labels via ShipStation. However, Chronopost can take up to one hour to update and allow a label to be voided once created. If you attempt to void before this, you may receive an error. To resolve the error, wait one hour and attempt to void the label again.

Labels voided via ShipStation cannot be used to dispatch a parcel. Voided labels cannot be reactivated.

Labels not used within two months of creation are no longer valid.

Supports Pickup Relay

If your customer selects the Pickup Relay option during checkout, the order will import with the drop-off location as the recipient address. Select a supported Chronopost service when you configure the shipment and create the label normally.

Customs forms

  • Chronopost includes customs declarations directly on the label.

  • Chronopost submits customs electronically for all international shipments except for those with a Ship From Location in the Schengen area.

Label messages

Chronopost supports two label message fields: Sender and Recipient Ref.

Available Services, Packages, & Confirmation Types

Chronopost Domestic Services

  • Chrono 8

  • Chrono 10

  • Chrono 13

  • Chrono 18

  • Chrono Reverse 9

  • Chrono Reverse 10

  • Chrono Reverse 13

  • Chrono Reverse 18

  • Chrono 13 Instance Agence

  • Chrono13 Dangerous Goods

  • 2Shop Direct

  • 2Shop Retour

Chronopost International Services

  • Chrono Express International

  • Chronoclassic

Chronopost Package Types

  • Package

  • Custom Packages

Chronopost Confirmation Options

  • Signature Required

The carrier can be used to create domestic shipping labels.

The carrier can be used to create international shipping labels.

ShipStation will submit international customs declarations electronically to the carrier.

The carrier can be used to create domestic return labels.

ShipStation will display estimated shipping rates for the carrier based on the connected account information and shipment details.

Shipment insurance, provided by the shipment's selected carrier, can be added to the shipment in ShipStation. This insurance would be in addition to any default coverage already provided by that carrier.

Shipping labels created for this carrier will include a tracking number that can be used to view the shipment status on the carrier's tracking website. Tracking may not be available for all shipping services.

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and submit the manifest electronically. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. A printable file may or may not be available when submitted electronically - see End of Day (PDF).

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and create a printable PDF of the manifest to provide to the carrier. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. The file may or may not be submitted electronically - see End of Day (Electronic).

ShipStation can print the store's logo on shipping labels created for this carrier. Label branding may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

ShipStation can print information on the label as a label message (configure in Label Document Options). The carrier may or may not support all 3 label message fields and label messages may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

Multi-Package Shipping

You can connect this carrier to ShipStation multiple times using different accounts and choose which account will be used to create each shipment.

Chronopost Integration Notes

  • The rates you see returned by ShipStation are estimated rates. The actual rates billed to your Chronopost account may vary somewhat based on the actual weight, dimensions, and declared value (if insurance is added) of the parcel.

  • Chronopost charges €3.95 for residential delivery.

    ShipStation cannot currently determine if an address is residential or commercial, therefore all validated domestic addresses show the commercial icon Validated Commercial Address icon: Green office building with white squares as windows in ShipStation.

  • If using the 8.5"x11" label format, the borders of the label may not print as expected. However, you can still use the label as all required data will still be included.

  • Chronopost does not support third-party billing.

Chronopost Troubleshooting Tips

Here are some common issues, potential causes, and troubleshooting tips.


How to Troubleshoot or Resolve

Error: Cette étiquette n'est pas encore annulable, veuillez réessayer dans un instant.

What it means: It can take Chronopost up to one hour to update and allow you to void a label.

What to do: If you receive this message when attempting to void a label, wait one hour and try again.

The carrier can be used to create domestic shipping labels.

The carrier can be used to create international shipping labels.

ShipStation will submit international customs declarations electronically to the carrier.

The carrier can be used to create domestic return labels.

ShipStation will display estimated shipping rates for the carrier based on the connected account information and shipment details.

Shipment insurance, provided by the shipment's selected carrier, can be added to the shipment in ShipStation. This insurance would be in addition to any default coverage already provided by that carrier.

Shipping labels created for this carrier will include a tracking number that can be used to view the shipment status on the carrier's tracking website. Tracking may not be available for all shipping services.

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and submit the manifest electronically. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. A printable file may or may not be available when submitted electronically - see End of Day (PDF).

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and create a printable PDF of the manifest to provide to the carrier. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. The file may or may not be submitted electronically - see End of Day (Electronic).

ShipStation can print the store's logo on shipping labels created for this carrier. Label branding may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

ShipStation can print information on the label as a label message (configure in Label Document Options). The carrier may or may not support all 3 label message fields and label messages may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

Multi-Package Shipping

You can connect this carrier to ShipStation multiple times using different accounts and choose which account will be used to create each shipment.

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