FlashBox is a regional same-day delivery carrier for businesses of any size or industry in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) of Ontario, Canada.
FlashBox developed user-friendly desktop and native mobile apps that allow you to work from anywhere, on any device. From the FlashBox dashboard, you can manage all your deliveries, track parcels in real-time, customize the delivery experience for your customers, and see proof of delivery for every parcel drop.
Connection Requirements:
A ShipStation account based in the US or Canada.
An active account with Flashbox
Your Flashbox account email address and password
To connect your FlashBox account to ShipStation:
🇺🇸 🇨🇦 Your Carriers Add-On
For US- and Canada-based ShipStation accounts, certain plans will require you to enable the Your Carriers add-on before you can connect your carrier accounts. If you have not yet enabled it, you'll be prompted to do so before you can connect your accounts.
Click the Add Carrier button.
Select FlashBox and click Connect.
Enter your FlashBox Account Email and Password, and choose an Account Nickname for you to identify the carrier account in ShipStation.
Click Connect.
ShipStation's integration with FlashBox supports the following standard features:
Feature |
Supported? |
Multi-Package Shipping |
ShipStation's integration with FlashBox allows for the following additional features: