
Australia Post's StarTrack service provides domestic shipping in Australia, as well as Express, Premium, and Fixed Price Premium services through ShipStation. ShipStation's integration with StarTrack supports custom label printing and batch processing.

To create a StarTrack account, contact StarTrack to begin the process.

StarTrack Requirements

Connection Requirements:

  • An Australia-based ShipStation account

  • An active account with StarTrack

  • Your Star Track account number

    StarTrack account numbers are 8 digits long. This number is different from your Australia Post account number, which is 10 digits.

  • Your Production Credentials (API Key and Secret) from Australia Post's Developer Centre.

Dimension Requirements

  • Starting March 1, 2025: Parcel Dimensions are required to create a label.

Manifest Requirements:

StarTrack requires a manifest for each day's shipments. Use ShipStation's End of Day process to manifest your shipments.

Failure to manifest will result in additional fees!

StarTrack will add a surcharge to your monthly invoice for non-manifested shipments.

Connect a StarTrack account to ShipStation

To connect your StarTrack account to ShipStation, you must first request your API Key and API Secret from the Australia Post Developer Centre.

If you do not yet have an account on the AU Post Developer Centre, you must create one before you can register for your API Keys.

Register for API Keys

  1. Go to

  2. Complete the information and click Create Account.

  3. Log in to your new account and go to the APIs section.

  4. Select Register now for an API Key.

    Screenshot of Australia Post Developer Centre Register API web page.
  5. Complete the form with your StarTrack account information and check the boxes for the services you want to access. Click Next.

    StarTrack API registration form
  6. Choose ShipStation from the platform partner list. Click Next.

    StarTtrac API registration Partner page
  7. Enter your state of origin and any additional comments you may need. Click Send.

    StarTrac API registration Territory selection

After you complete the registration process, the developer support team will email you your API key and secret in an encrypted PDF. You can then connect your StarTrack account to ShipStation.

Add StarTrack to an Australia Post eParcel Account

If you also have an Australia Post eParcel account, you can request your StarTrack account be added to the AU Post account. Then you can use the same API Key and Secret for both accounts. Enter this request into the comments field in the last step of the registration process.

Connect StarTrack Account to ShipStation

  1. Click the Add Carrier button.

  2. Select StarTrack and click Connect.

    Star Track logo. Button that reads, Connect
  3. Enter your StarTrack Account Number, and the API Key and API Secret received from AU Post developer support.

  4. Click Connect.

Available Features for StarTrack

ShipStation's integration with StarTrack supports the following standard features:

*Supported for Road Express (EXP) and Premium (PRM) only.

StarTrack Additional Features

ShipStation's integration with StarTrack allows for the following additional features:



Estimated Days for Delivery

StarTrack now supports Estimated Days for Delivery when obtaining Rates.


Requires manifests for all shipments

Manifest your StarTrack shipments at the end of the day before your StarTrack pickup. Failure to manifest your shipments can result in fees from StarTrack.

Use ShipStation's End of Day process to close out your day's shipments.

The StarTrack Order Summary Report will print out a driver copy and a sender copy. Give the driver copy to your StarTrack driver. There is no need to take any additional action on the printed form.

Return labels must also be manifested! These shipments do not yet appear in ShipStation's Manifest section, but the information will be submitted to StarTrack electronically. If you do not have any outgoing StarTrack shipments but need to manifest return labels, please contact ShipStation Support. We are working with StarTrack to add return shipments to the Manifest screen in the future.

Support for Dangerous Goods

StarTracks supports the delivery of dangerous goods.

The carrier can be used to create domestic shipping labels.

The carrier can be used to create international shipping labels.

ShipStation will submit international customs declarations electronically to the carrier.

The carrier can be used to create domestic return labels.

ShipStation will display estimated shipping rates for the carrier based on the connected account information and shipment details.

Shipment insurance, provided by the shipment's selected carrier, can be added to the shipment in ShipStation. This insurance would be in addition to any default coverage already provided by that carrier.

Shipping labels created for this carrier will include a tracking number that can be used to view the shipment status on the carrier's tracking website. Tracking may not be available for all shipping services.

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and submit the manifest electronically. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. A printable file may or may not be available when submitted electronically - see End of Day (PDF).

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and create a printable PDF of the manifest to provide to the carrier. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. The file may or may not be submitted electronically - see End of Day (Electronic).

ShipStation can print the store's logo on shipping labels created for this carrier. Label branding may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

ShipStation can print information on the label as a label message (configure in Label Document Options). The carrier may or may not support all 3 label message fields and label messages may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

This carrier can be used to create multi-package shipments, where multiple labels are created for a single shipment and the individual packages are linked together in a single shipment record with a master tracking number.

You can connect this carrier to ShipStation multiple times using different accounts and choose which account will be used to create each shipment.

StarTrack Service Details

StarTrack Domestic Services

  • Express

  • Premium

  • Fixed Price Premium

StarTrack Package Types

  • Package

  • Envelope

  • Pallet

  • Skid

  • Bag

  • Carton

  • Jiffy Bag

  • Satchel

StarTrack Confirmation Options

  • Authority to Leave

  • Signature on Delivery

StarTrack Courier Services

ShipStation has partnered with Australia Post to integrate their same-city, same-day and on demand services. These services cater to high-volume merchants who need to fulfill orders on the same day or the next day within the same city.

To find out if you are eligible for these services, contact your Australia Post Manager.


  • Register for Shipping & Tracking API from StarTrack

  • Meet with the StarTrack Implementation team to discuss onboarding requirements

  • Integrate with the API, update your website and operations processes to cater to StarTrack Courier shipments

StarTrack Courier 2U2DAY Services

Service Code

Service Name

Printing & Booking Window

Pickup Window


StarTrack 2U2Day

Mon-Fri until 08:00

Mon-Fri: 08:00 to 09:00


StarTrack 2U2PM (Afternoon)

Mon-Fri until 11:00

Mon-Fri: 11:00 to 12:00


StarTrack 2UPBM (PM Brisbane)

Mon-Fri until 11:00

Mon-Fri: 11:00 to 12:00


StarTrack 2UTW (Twilight)

Mon-Fri until 15:00

Mon-Fri: 15:00 to 16:00


StarTrack 2USA (Saturday)

Sat until 11:00

Sat: 11:00 to 12:00

StarTrack Courier Adhoc Services

Service Code

Service Name

Printing & Booking Window

Pickup Window


Standard Courier (<25kg)

Mon-Fri until 16:00

Mon-Fri: 08:00 to 16:00


Standard Wagon (<125kg)

Mon-Fri until 16:00

Mon-Fri: 08:00 to 16:00


Standard Half Tonne (<500kg)

Mon-Fri until 16:00

Mon-Fri: 08:00 to 16:00


Standard Full Tonne (<1 tonne)

Mon-Fri until 16:00

Mon-Fri: 08:00 to 16:00


Express Courier (<25kg)

Mon-Fri until 17:00

Mon-Fri: 08:00 to 17:00


Express Wagon (<125kg)

Mon-Fri until 17:00

Mon-Fri: 08:00 to 17:00


Express Half Tonne (<500kg)

Mon-Fri until 17:00

Mon-Fri: 08:00 to 17:00


Immediate Priority Courier (<25kg)

Mon-Fri until 18:00

Mon-Fri: 08:00 to 18:00


Immediate Wagon (<125kg)

Mon-Fri until 18:00

Mon-Fri: 08:00 to 18:00


Immediate Half Tonne Van (<500 kg)

Mon-Fri until 18:00

Mon-Fri: 08:00 to 18:00M


Immediate Full Tonne Van (<1 tonne)

Mon-Fri until 18:00

Mon-Fri: 08:00 to 18:00

Find and Close Unmanifested Shipments

You have until the 4th Sunday of the month to manifest your shipments and avoid a fee on your invoice.

StarTrack Integration Notes

  • You cannot currently add carrier insurance to StarTrack shipments through ShipStation. However, your contract with StarTrack should include details about the insurance that StarTrack provides by default for your parcels.

    Contact StarTrack directly for details about your insurance coverage and for submitting any claims.

  • The Phone Number field has a 10-character limit and cannot include spaces (ex: 1234567890).

  • StarTrack rates include Goods and Services Tax (GST), fuel surcharges, and security surcharges.

  • Unmanifested shipments will only appear in your account five days after the first scan event.

The carrier can be used to create domestic shipping labels.

The carrier can be used to create international shipping labels.

ShipStation will submit international customs declarations electronically to the carrier.

The carrier can be used to create domestic return labels.

ShipStation will display estimated shipping rates for the carrier based on the connected account information and shipment details.

Shipment insurance, provided by the shipment's selected carrier, can be added to the shipment in ShipStation. This insurance would be in addition to any default coverage already provided by that carrier.

Shipping labels created for this carrier will include a tracking number that can be used to view the shipment status on the carrier's tracking website. Tracking may not be available for all shipping services.

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and submit the manifest electronically. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. A printable file may or may not be available when submitted electronically - see End of Day (PDF).

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and create a printable PDF of the manifest to provide to the carrier. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. The file may or may not be submitted electronically - see End of Day (Electronic).

ShipStation can print the store's logo on shipping labels created for this carrier. Label branding may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

ShipStation can print information on the label as a label message (configure in Label Document Options). The carrier may or may not support all 3 label message fields and label messages may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

This carrier can be used to create multi-package shipments, where multiple labels are created for a single shipment and the individual packages are linked together in a single shipment record with a master tracking number.

You can connect this carrier to ShipStation multiple times using different accounts and choose which account will be used to create each shipment.

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