ShopWired is an e-commerce website platform and order management tool available in the UK only. They are one of the best-rated ecommerce platform for selling successfully online.
The ShopWired ShipStation app has two functions:
When you receive an order on ShopWired, the app will send the order details (and products contained in the order) to ShipStation.
When you create a shipping label in ShipStation, the order will automatically be marked as dispatched in ShopWired, and optionally, an order status change email can be sent to your customer.
To connect your ShopWired store to ShipStation:
Follow the instructions from ShopWired's Help manual to install the ShipStation app on your ShopWired account. You will be prompted to enter your API credentials.
Return to your ShopWired Account, go to 'APPs & Extensions' then select 'ShipStation' from the left-hand menu.
Continue with the steps in the ShopWired's Help manual to set order statuses.