Mobile: Create Shipment Manifests

ShipStation Mobile provides the ability to manifest your shipments directly in the app.

You can generate the manifest for carriers that support it and have the driver scan it right from your phone screen. When using ShipStation Mobile to close your shipments there's no need for toner, paper, a printer, or even a computer.

Follow the steps below to close your shipments and generate the necessary barcode.

Close Shipments

  1. Tap End of Day in the app sidebar.

    Mobile End of day option in sidebar
  2. Select the carrier whose shipments you want to close.

    Mobile end of day select carrier screen
  3. Select the Ship From Location you want to view.

    Mobile end of day view screen

The barcode that appears can be scanned by the carrier to pull up the shipments!

Mobile end of day scannable barcode screen
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