ShipStation Account Login Issues

If you encounter any of the following issues when attempting to log in to your account, follow the troubleshooting steps in the relevant section below:

  • Invalid username or password

  • Account blocked after multiple login attempts

  • Unexpected error upon login

The Username or Password Entered is Invalid

Are you encountering the following error when attempting to log in to ShipStation? If so, this section will guide you through a few steps to get you logged in to ShipStation successfully.

The username or password you entered was invalid. Please note that repeated failed attempts will result in your account being locked out.

Error message displayed when ShipStation login credentials are incorrect: "The username or password you entered was invalid."

1. Check Your Username

All usernames are unique, but ShipStation allows the same email address to be associated with multiple usernames. In most cases, your email is also your username.

Always log in with your username to ensure your credentials match the account you are logging into. There may be some cases where an email is linked to multiple usernames, and you are unsure of your or other usernames associated with your account. Check with the account admin to see what other usernames there are. Then, try logging in with the other usernames.

2. Reset your password

Once you are sure that you are logging in with the correct username, the next step is to reset your password.

  1. Click the Forgot password? link on the ShipStation login page.

    "Forgot my password" link is highlighted on the ShipStation login screen.
  2. Enter your username into the Username field. (Be sure to enter your username, not your email address.) Then, click the Send Reset Link button.

    Reset Password screen. Username entered & "Send Password Reset Instructions" button shown.
  3. Check for an email sent to the email address associated with your username. Click the Reset Password: link in the email.

    Reset Password URL link shown in the Create-a-New-Password popup & email from ShipStation.

    Didn't get an email?

    If you did not receive the reset email, please check your spam folder before moving to the next step.

  4. Enter a new password into the New Password and Confirm Password fields. Then, click the Change Password button.

    Update-your-password screen. Shows new & confirmed passwords entered, & Change-Password button

    Passwords must contain:

    • 12 or more characters

    • At least one number

    • At least one letter

    • At least one special character

    Passwords should not contain your username or commonly used words, such as password.

  5. Log in to ShipStation using your username and new password.

3. Have an admin check your user account

Your ShipStation user account may become locked or inaccessible after multiple failed login attempts. Another possibility is that your account is set not to allow you to log in.

Have your ShipStation administrator check your user account to see if it is locked or set not to allow logins.

To check a ShipStation user account:

  1. Go to Settings > Account > User Management.

  2. Click the Edit link to the right of the locked user account.

    Edit link is selected for a locked user on the User Management settings screen.
  3. Click the Unlock Account button (this button will be present only if the account is locked).

    Edit User pop-up window. Unlock Account button highlighted by red box.
  4. Verify that the Allow this user to log in option is checked.

    Edit User pop-up window. "Allow this user to login" option is checked.

Attempt to log in again using your username and password.

4. Contact ShipStation Support

If you are still unable to log in, an account admin must contact ShipStation Support to request a password reset.

Password reset requests require the following:

  • The user contacting ShipStation MUST be an active Admin-level user on the account.

  • The username of the user unable to log into ShipStation.

  • The billing address and last four digits of the credit card used for the ShipStation subscription.

  • If you are the only user on the account and are unable to log in to submit a support case, provide the information needed in an email to

Account Blocked After Multiple Login Attempts

Are you encountering the following error after multiple attempts to log in to ShipStation, but cannot locate the email indicated in the error message?

Your account has been blocked after multiple consecutive login attempts. We've sent you an email with instructions on how to unblock it.


Check Your SPAM Email Folder

  1. Check your SPAM email folder for the automated email message sent from ShipStation. In many cases, automated emails are automatically sent to SPAM.

  2. Follow the steps outlined in the email to unlock your ShipStation user account.

An Unexpected Error Occurred when Logging In

Are you encountering the following error when attempting to log in to ShipStation? If so, this section will guide you through a few steps to attempt to get you logged in to ShipStation successfully.

An unexpected error occurred during login.

1. Ensure you are entering the correct login credentials

Ensure that your username and password are entered correctly. Then, try to log in again.

2. Log in to ShipStation Using an Incognito Browser Window

Try to log in to ShipStation using an incognito or private browser window. Using an incognito window bypasses any information stored in your web browser that may interfere with logging in to ShipStation.

3. Wait a few minutes, then try to log in again

Please wait 3 to 5 minutes and try to log in again. Sometimes latency can cause a delay during login resulting in an "unexpected" error.

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