
Provides information on the Zapier integration with ShipStation, available triggers and actions, and links for relevant resources.

Zapier is a workflow automation tool that allows you to connect thousands of apps together. You can automate data from one app to another and build powerful workflows without needing to know code or requesting time from your IT department.

Through Zapier, you can connect ShipStation to applications like MailChimp, Google Sheets, QuickBooks Online, Xero, and many more. Check out their full list of supported applications here.

Popular things to do with this integration include adding new ShipStation orders to a Google spreadsheet, creating ShipStation orders from QuickBooks invoices, and adding ShipStation customers to a MailChimp list.

If you want to learn more about their service and how it works, please check out their "What is Zapier?" page.

Zapier's ShipStation integration supports the following triggers:

  • New Order: Triggers when a new Order is created or imported in ShipStation.

  • Item Shipped: Triggers for each individual line item when a new outbound shipping label is created for an order.

  • Order Shipped: Triggers when a new outbound shipping label is created for an order.

  • Item Ordered: Triggers for each individual line item when a new order is created or imported.

Zapier's ShipStation integration supports the following actions:

Connect Zapier and ShipStation

To use Zapier with ShipStation, you'll need to generate a set of API keys and enter them in your Zapier account.

To get your ShipStation API keys:

    For more information on connecting and using ShipStation with Zapier, see the ShipStation page on the Zapier help center.

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