Congratulations on choosing ShipStation! This article will help you quickly set up your account so you can start importing your orders and shipping them immediately!
There are four essential steps to start shipping your orders with ShipStation. You can do all four of these steps using the Onboard/Home screen, which you will see when you first log in. Just keep in mind you can also perform any of these actions in your account settings.
Connect a Store
The most common way to import orders into ShipStation is through a connected store (although this is not the only way to import orders).
Set a Ship From Location
The Ship From Location is the address where you are shipping from. All carriers require this information and you cannot create a shipping label without it. If you have more than one, no problem! You can add more at any time.
Activate ShipStation Carriers
Add the payment method you wish to use to purchase ShipStation Carrier labels. If you already have your own carrier accounts, you can also connect them here. For certain subscription plans, there may be additional costs associated with connecting and shipping with your own carrier accounts.
Select a Label Layout
ShipStation creates 4" x 6" labels (or approximately 100mm x 150mm for our metric unit friends). Tell ShipStation if you use a 4" x 6" thermal label printer or a standard printer that prints to an 8.5" x 11" (A4) sheet.
Once you have completed these steps, you can start importing your orders and creating labels. This article will guide you through the setup steps on ShipStation's Onboard screen. These options are also available in your account settings, so you can configure or modify them whenever you need.
Return to the Onboard Screen
If you navigate away from the Onboard/Home screen before you have completed all the steps, just click the Onboard/Home tab to return.
The first option on the Onboard/Home screen is to connect a store.
Connecting to your online store is the most common way to get orders into ShipStation so you can start shipping them. However, you can manually create orders in ShipStation without a connected store, and you can use the Rate Calculator to create a label without an order. If you do not need to connect a store at this time, skip ahead to the next onboarding step.
To connect your store so you can import orders:
Click Connect on the tile of the store account use. If it is not listed, click View More then Add a Store.
Select the store platform you want to connect from the list.
Type the store platform name into the search bar to filter which options you see.
Follow the on-screen instructions to connect your store.
The specific connection steps will differ from store to store. For details on a specific store connection process, view our Store & Marketplace Integrations article and click on your store's name.
You may continue to add stores here or move on to the next step. You can always add more later by going to Settings > Selling Channels > Store Setup
Manual Orders or CSV Imports
A store connection is not required to start printing labels. If you prefer to use a spreadsheet or create orders manually, you can do so. Click on the links to Add an order to create a single manual order or Import CSV to import orders.
To successfully calculate rates and print labels, you must add the address where your packages ship from. We call this a Ship From Location.
To add a Ship From Location from the Onboard screen:
Choose Set Ship From Location.
Enter a Location Name (this is how ShipStation will refer to this address in drop-down menus).
Then, fill in the fields for the Pickup Address.
The fields you see in the Ship From pop-up may vary depending on your home country's address formats.
If your Return Address is different than the Pickup Address, uncheck Use Pickup Address as Return address and enter the return address.
Recommended: Add the Ship From Phone Number
While not all carriers require a phone number for the Ship From Location, some carriers (like UPS and DHL Express) do. We recommend always entering a phone number for your Ship From Location to avoid any errors when creating labels.
Click Save when finished.
ShipStation gives you immediate access to discounted rates on selected carriers, so you are not required to add your own accounts. We call these carriers ShipStation Carriers. Simply activate these carriers by entering your preferred payment method.
To activate ShipStation Carriers:
Choose Enable Carriers.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
You'll be prompted to enter a label payment method, agree to the terms and conditions, and add funds to your ShipStation Balance (this balance is used to purchase labels).
Once you have completed the setup steps, you can then connect your own carrier accounts (see instructions below) or move on to the next step.
To connect one of your own carrier accounts:
Choose Add Your Carrier Accounts.
Or, if you have a fulfillment provider like Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA), choose Add a Fulfillment Provider.
Select the carrier or provider you want to connect.
Follow the on-screen instructions.
The specific steps required to connect will vary from carrier to carrier. For more information on a specific carrier process and requirements, view our Carrier Integrations article and choose your carrier's name.
You may continue to add carrier accounts or move on to the next step. You can always add more carriers later by going to Settings > Shipping > Carriers > Your Carrier Accounts
🇺🇸 🇨🇦 Your Carriers Add-On Required After Trial Period
If you have connected your own carrier accounts during your trial period and have an account based in the US or Canada, you will be prompted upon signing up for a subscription plan to enable the Your Carriers add-on, which allows you to continue to create labels with your carriers after the trial period.
The fee for the Your Carriers add-on will vary by plan level. and Endicia accounts do not require the Your Carriers add-on.
All labels created in ShipStation are 4" × 6" labels (similar to 100mm x 150mm or A5), which are suitable for thermal label printers. If you use an inkjet or laser printer to print multiple labels on a standard letter-sized (A4) sheet, ShipStation adjusts the label orientation 90 degrees to print two labels horizontally on an 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper.
To ensure ShipStation creates the right label for your printer, set your label layout for the type of printer you use.
To select a label layout:
Choose Select a Label Layout.
Select the format that matches the type of printer you use and choose whether to print only the labels or labels and packing slips together.
Choose one of the 4" x 6" options if you use a thermal label printer, like a DYMO or Zebra.
Choose one of the 8.5" x 11" options if you use an inkjet or laser printer.
Click Save changes.
You can change your label layout at any time in
Settings > Printing > Printing Setup > Label Document Options
Label Formats with Packing Slips
If you select a label layout that includes a packing slip, your label and packing slip will always print together when printing a label. You can still print packing slips separately, but the label's format setting sets the packing slip format. You will not be able to set a unique packing slip format for printing individual packing slips.