UPS Mail Innovations

UPS Mail Innovations® (UPS MI) is an efficient and cost-effective method for US-based accounts to send lightweight parcels and flat mail to global addresses. UPS transfers your shipment to a local carrier (typically the USPS) for last-mile delivery to its destination.

If your UPS account includes access to UPS Mail Innovations®, you can enable these services for use in ShipStation.

UPS Mail Innovation Rate Requirements

Rates will now appear in ShipStation for one UPS Mail Innovations service: Expedited Mail Innovations (domestic service only). These rates are only available in the Configure Shipment Widget. MI Rates will not appear in the Rate Browser.

The MI rate API will only return rates for you in ShipStation when you have already:

  • Configured Mail Innovations in your account.

  • Added the MI rate information:

    • CustomerID → also known as UPS MI account number (it is 5-6 digits and is numeric only)

    • Customer GUID → also known as rate key (it needs to be a valid GUID)

Obtain Customer ID and Customer GUID from UPS

If you do not have a Customer ID and Customer GUID, you must contact UPS to obtain this information.

Enable UPS Mail Innovations in ShipStation

After you've connected your UPS account to ShipStation:

  1. Click Your Carrier Accounts tab. Then, click the Actions menu next to your UPS account and select Carrier Settings.

    Your Carriers action menu with Carrier settings marked
  2. Fill in the following fields:

    • MI Endorsement

    • MI Cost Center (if you don't know which options to choose, check with your UPS account rep).

    • MI Customer Id

    • MI Customer Guid

    Then, click the checkbox next to Enable Consolidation Services.

    UPS settings form with Consolidation service options highlighted.

    Rates Will Appear without MI Rate Settings

    ShipStation will not show rates without an MI Customer Id and MI Customer Guid entered.

  3. Click Save.

RESULT: Rates will now appear in ShipStation for the UPS MI Expedited Mail Innovations service. These rates only appear in the Configure Shipment Widget, not in the Rate Browser.

Shows Configure Shipment Widget with rates for UPS Mail Innovations + Print Label button

UPS Mail Innovations Available Services

Once you've taken the above steps, the following services and package types will be added to your UPS options (if you do not see them right away, log out and then log back into ShipStation):

Notes About UPS Mail Innovation

  • Rates are only available in ShipStation for UPS Mail Innovations Expedited Mail Innovations. These rates only appear in the Configure Shipment Widget. MI Rates are not available in the Rate Browser.

    The label cost will show as $0.00 in shipment details after you generate a label. This is intentional and results from the UPS Mail Innovations API design.

  • UPS Mail Innovation does not support third-party billing.

  • UPS Mail Innovation® Returns are not supported in ShipStation.

  • The USPS tracking number will appear on the label, while the UPS MI tracking number will appear in ShipStation.

  • When you use UPS MI services, you must select an appropriate UPS MI package type. Domestic services must use one of the domestic package types, and international services must use one of the international package types.

  • UPS Mail Innovations labels do not include a barcode nor a live tracking number with the following package types :

    • MI - Standard Flat (< 1 lb)

    • MI - BPM Flat

    • MI International - Flats

  • UPS MI supports e-VS (Electronic Verification System) shipping through the UPS API. You will see 'eVS' above the USPS barcode on domestic shipping labels as confirmation that the label supports e-VS. International shipments through UPS do not show eVS, as UPS does not use that feature to move packages internationally.

  • Label logos appear on domestic UPS MI labels but not on international labels.

  • Custom label messages are not available for UPS MI labels. The Order Number and MI Cost Center will display as Ref1 and Ref2, respectively.

  • By default, UPS MI label messages pull the OrderID rather than the Order# when that field replacement is used for label messages. To pull in the Order# instead of the OrderID, select Enable Use Order Number as the Package ID on UPS MI labels from the carrier settings popup.

  • UPS MI supports up to 30 line items on the integrated customs form and label (CN22).

  • You do not need an End of Day form for UPS MI. ShipStation will automatically send your shipment's information, just like we do for regular UPS shipments.