Manually Apply Third-Party Billing to Shipments

You can apply third-party billing to individual shipments or multiple shipments on an as-needed basis. Use this procedure if you only occasionally need to use third-party billing.

If third-party billing is a standard part of your workflow, however, you may want to create an automation rule to apply third-part billing to orders when they import. For the automated process, see the Assign Third-Party Billing article instead.

Apply Third-Party Billing to Single Shipments

When adding third-party billing manually to a single shipment, it is a one-time event that will not repeat. If you would like for this action to repeat automatically, you'll want to Assign Third-Party Billing Automatically. Please keep in mind, when you use the third-party billing option you will not see an estimated rate in ShipStation.

To manually add third-party billing to a single shipment:

  1. Find your order and click the order number to open Order Details.

  2. Set the shipping Service and Package for the shipment.

    Red box highlights Service and Package dropdowns in the Configure Shipment widget

    Selected Service Must Match Carrier for the Account

    Since ShipStation requires you to first select the correct service. This means you must already have connected your own carrier account to ShipStation.

    For example: to bill a recipient's UPS account, you must select a UPS service. This means your own UPS account must be connected to ShipStation for UPS services to be available.

  3. Go to Other Shipping Options in the Configure Shipment Widget and click the Shipping Account drop-down.

    Configure shipment widget: other Shipping options. Shipping Account dropdown, box highlights 3rd party
  4. Choose either Third Party or Recipient from the list.

  5. Enter the third party's Account #, Billing Country, and Billing Zip (Postal Code).

  6. Create the label.

Apply Third-Party Billing to Multiple Shipments

When applying third-party billing to multiple shipments, it is a one-time event that will not repeat. If you would like for this action to repeat automatically, please see the instructions for how to Assign Third-Party Billing Automatically.

To add third-party billing to multiple shipments:

  1. Select the orders that you want to apply third-party billing.

  2. Click the Bulk Update drop-down and select Other Shipping Options.

  3. Select Change Billing, then select Third Party or Recipient.

  4. Click Update Selection.

    You should then see an alert that reads, "Update Successful! Applied this action to X orders."

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