Now you have orders coming in from outside the country, but they all import into the Orders grid in ShipStation. This guide will explain the different methods available in ShipStation to identify orders with international destinations.
The three main ways to pick out international orders from the Orders grid:
Sort by the Country Column
Apply filters
Apply Order Tags
One of the columns available in the Orders grid is Country. This column displays the two-letter abbreviation of the destination address.

Click the Country column header to sort the grid alphabetically in ascending or descending order. This is a quick way to sort your orders without applying filters.
ShipStation includes pre-built filters to help identify international orders. The Destination filter allows you to filter by international or domestic orders. The Country filter allows you to filter by selected countries.
If you want to create a filter you can use regularly in your workflow, go to Saved Filters > Manage Filters
and click Create a New Filter.

Name the filter and add a description, if you prefer. From the criteria drop-down, select Country, then Equals and select the country (or countries) to include in this filter. Then save your changes.

Now on the Orders grid, when you apply this filter the grid displays only orders destined for that country.
Order Tags are a way to mark international orders so they visually stand out on the grid. Tags add a brightly colored marker next to the tagged order. Try creating tags for orders from specific countries or for all international shipments.

Once you create the tag, you can add them to orders manually in the order grid or create an Automation Rule to apply the tag to orders as they import into your store.
Here’s an example of how to set up a rule to apply a tag.

This rule will apply the tag “International” to orders that do not have a destination within the United States.
If you want to use different tags based on the destination, create a tag for each country you ship to. Then you can set up the automation rule like this:

This example will mark every order destined for an address in Germany.
You can do some other neat things with automation rules to make processing these orders more efficient like adding a specific carrier service, adding insurance, or using a specific ship from location.