Transfer UPS Worldship® Address Book to ShipStation

If you've been using UPS Worldship® to ship your orders, you may have already built a customer address book that you'd like to use in ShipStation. Although ShipStation cannot pull the address book from UPS directly, you can export the data from UPS Worldship® and use the data to create a CSV file to import customer records into ShipStation.

This multi-step process requires you to:

  1. Create an export map in UPS Worldship®.

  2. Export a file using the export map created in UPS Worldship®.

  3. Use the information in the file to build a CSV file formatted to import into ShipStation.

  4. Import the ShipStation-formatted CSV into ShipStation.

See below for step-by-step instructions:

In UPS Worldship®

First, you need to create an export map in UPS Worldship® that generates a CSV file.

  1. Open the UPS Worldship® application.

  2. Select Create / Edit Map... under Import/Export Data, to open the Create or edit an import or export map window.

  3. Select Export to ODBC Database in the New Map section, .

  4. Select the Export CSV checkbox.

  5. Choose a Map Type of Address Book.

  6. Name the map, then click Create. The Edit Export to CSV Map window will appear.

  7. Click Add All Columns.

  8. Click Define CSV File Name. A Save As window will appear.

  9. Enter a file name, then click Save to save the export map file.

  10. Click OK. You'll be taken back to the Create or edit an import or export map window. The map you created should be listed under Existing Maps.

  11. Click Close to go back to the main view of UPS Worldship®.

Now that you have an export map created to generate a CSV file, you can export the data.

  1. Select Batch Export..., Under Import/Export Data, to open the Batch export data window.

  2. Select the export map you created in the previous steps.

  3. Choose a date range for the export.

  4. Click Next. An Import/Export Preview window will appear.

  5. Verify the export details and click Next to begin the export.

  6. Click Save to save the file to your computer, once the export is complete,.

UPS Worldship® Support

If you're unable to perform the above steps in UPS Worldship®, you can contact UPS Worldship® support for additional assistance with their application.

Modify the Exported File

Next, you'll modify the exported file in a spreadsheet application since ShipStation requires a specific format for the Customer Import process.

  1. Download the CustomerImportSample.csv file.

  2. Open both the CustomerImportSample.csv and the UPS Worldship® export files using the spreadsheet application of your choosing.

  3. Use Copy/Paste to move the information from the UPS Worldship® export file into the relevant columns on CustomerImportSample.csv.

    Do not change the column headers in CustomerImportSample.csv!

  4. When the address information has been transferred into the CustomerImportSample.csv file, Save the file. (Or use Save As... to save the file with a new name.)

    Be sure to retain the CSV format.

Import the CSV Into ShipStation

The final step is to import the new CSV file into ShipStation.

  1. Log in to ShipStation.

  2. Go to the Customers tab.

    Closeup of Toolbar. Customers tab highlighted.
  3. Click Import. An Import Customers window will appear.

    Customer action menu with Import button highlighted.
  4. Click Select a File.

    V3 Import customers pop-up with Select a File button highlighted.
  5. Select the modified version of the CustomerImportSample.csv file and click Open.

  6. Choose one of the options under Select Options.

  7. Click Start Import to import the file.

    V3 Import customer pop-up with Start Import button highlighted.
  8. Click Close.

Import Customers

See our page on Importing Customers for a more detailed walk-through of the above process.

ShipStation will begin to import the file and will alert you once the import completes. Then, you'll be able to see the addresses in the Customers tab in ShipStation.

Once the customer records have been created, you'll be able to use the saved customer information to quickly create manual orders and labels.

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