Once you create a label, you cannot edit it. If you need to change the address, shipping service, weight, or other shipping options, you must create a new label. The best option is to void the existing label first, then create a new one. The postage provider will issue a refund according to their void and refund policy.
Voiding a label in both ShipStation mobile and the ShipStation web app will preserve the record in ShipStation and allow you to create a new label on that same shipment.
Not All Labels Can Be Voided!
Be aware that some carriers do not allow voiding labels in ShipStation and some do not support voiding labels at all. In these cases, contact your carrier directly for assistance with your account.
When possible, we have listed when this limitation exists in each carrier's integration help article in our Integrations Help Guide.
Refunds are provided by the postage provider you purchased the label from.
To void a label in ShipStation mobile:
Tap on a Shipment to open the Shipment Details.
Tap the Void Label button at the top of the Shipment Details screen.
Tap Next to proceed with the void and submit a refund request to your postage provider.
The shipment details will be struck through in both the Shipment Details and Order Details to indicate that the label has been voided.
To view your voided shipments, tap the Shipment drop-down menu and select Voided.
"Authentication Failed" Error Message
For US-based merchants, if you receive the "Authentication Failed" error message when voiding a Stamps.com label, it could mean that you updated your Stamps.com password but haven't updated the password in ShipStation.
To update your password in ShipStation, go to Settings > Shipping > Carriers > Your Carriers
. Then click the Action Menu and select Update Password. If you do not see the option to Update Password in the Action Menu drop-down, select the Carrier Setting option instead.