US Shipping Label Examples

See example labels in the sections below from the most popular carriers among U.S.-based merchants.

USPS Labels

USPS shipping labels display Recipient and Return addresses, the service name, and tracking details. Optional label messages are also supported for domestic shipments only.


For USPS international shipments, customs declarations print directly on the label. No additional customs forms are required with these shipments.

Tracking Unavailable for First-Class Large Envelopes/Flats

USPS First-Class Large Envelopes/Flats are not trackable. Tracking details will not appear for these shipments or on these labels.

Global Advantage Program (GAP) International Labels

The Global Advantage Program (GAP) is a way for you to ship internationally that takes advantage of the trusted USPS delivery network while benefiting from the discounts and ease of use provided by GlobalPost. When you create an international USPS First-Class, Priority, or Priority Express shipment with either USPS from ShipStation or a account, you will automatically receive a GAP label.

The label you print will be a domestic label addressed to a domestic Postal Processing facility, where the shipment will be sorted and relabeled for its final destination.ShipStation will electronically submit all customs declarations, so there is no need to print customs forms with your shipment.

GAP label example showing Easy HQ return address

UPS Labels

UPS labels created through ShipStation's integration include Ship To and Ship From addresses, the service name, tracking details, and optional label messages.


Label Messages

ShipStation's integration with UPS supports all three label messages. Label Message 1 will print in the first Trx Ref No field, and Label Messages 2 and 3 will combine and print in the second Trx Ref No field.

ShipStation automatically sends your shipment information to UPS so that you don't have to provide an End of Day report to your UPS driver. The package icon in the bottom right corner of the UPS label indicates that the package has been pre-scanned.

UPS label sample with package icon indicating EOD submission

UPS Paperless Invoices

Customs information for international UPS shipments can be submitted electronically via UPS's Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), also called UPS Paperless Invoice.

Merchants Must Apply for Paperless Invoicing

You must apply to UPS directly before EDI is enabled for your UPS account (this feature is enabled by default for UPS from ShipStation). Once enabled on your UPS account, ShipStation will submit customs forms electronically for your international UPS shipments.

To apply for UPS Paperless Invoicing online, log in to your UPS account and go to Actions > View Account Details. Click Paperless Invoicing and select Enroll My Account.

When customs information is submitted electronically, EDI will print underneath the tracking barcode on the label.

UPS label sample with "EDI" designation highlighted by red box in lower right corner.

If customs information has not been submitted electronically to UPS, INV will print underneath the tracking barcode instead.

UPS sample label with "INV" designation highlighted by red box.

FedEx Labels

FedEx labels created via ShipStation's integration include Ship From and Ship To addresses, tracking details, custom label messages, and information on how the postage cost is charged (for example, BILL SENDER).


Label Messages

ShipStation's integration with FedEx supports all three label messages. Label messages map to FedEx shipping labels in the following ways:

  • Label Message 1: Reference Number (REF)

  • Label Message 2: Invoice Number (INV)

  • Label Message 3: Purchase Order Number (PO)

To use Label Message 3, you must also use Label Messages 1 and 2.

FedEx Commercial Invoices

Customs documents for international FedEx shipments, called Commercial Invoices, are automatically generated by ShipStation. Commercial Invoices can be sent electronically to supported countries as Electronic Trade Documents (ETD).

ETD Not Supported for All Countries

If ShipStation is unable to submit customs information in Electronic Trade Documents, you must print any necessary customs forms with your shipping label.

For FedEx International Ground, the letters ETD will appear in a black box under the shipping service icon:

FedEx Ground Label highlighting "ETD" designation for Electronic Trade Document submission.

For other FedEx international services, the letters ETD will be printed underneath the service name near the bottom of the label:

FedEx International Label highlighting "ETD" designation for Electronic Trade Document.

DHL Express Labels

DHL Express international labels include Ship From and Ship To addresses, tracking details, optional label messages, and customs information.

DHL Express requires a Company Name in both the Ship To and Ship From address fields. If no Company Name is available, ShipStation will reuse the Name field.

If you add more than one label message to an order, ShipStation will combine all three label messages onto the Ref field on the shipping label.


DHL Express Waybill

Along with the shipping label, ShipStation will also generate a DHL waybill. This document, also known as a bill of lading, contains information about an international shipment for customs officials, including the Ship From and Ship To addresses and the package contents. In the example below, Contents: shoes can be seen next to the barcode.

Attach the waybill on the outside of your package next to your shipping label for viewing by the carrier and customs officials.


DHL Express Customs Forms

ShipStation will automatically attempt to submit customs information electronically through the DHL Express Paperless Trade service (PLT). This service is only available for certain countries supported by DHL Express.

When customs information has been electronically submitted to DHL Express, the term Paperless Trade or PLT will appear on the label.

DHL Express label highlighting Paperless Trade designation under the Features/Services section
DHL Express Label highlighting "C-PLT" designation for Customs Paperless Trade submission

PLT Not Supported for All Countries

If ShipStation is unable to electronically submit customs information through the Paperless Trade service, you must print any necessary customs forms with your shipping label.

DHL eCommerce Labels

DHL eCommerce labels can and will appear differently when they ship to different destinations. This is because shipments go to different DHL stations to be sorted by destination.

For example, the label below is for a domestic U.S. shipment:


This label is for a shipment going from the U.S. to London:


Additionally, DHL eCommerce supports only one label message field, and you must use Label Message 3 in ShipStation.

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