Loomis Express

Loomis Express has long provided Canadian merchants with high-quality domestic shipping services. ShipStation's integration with Loomis Express is available to ShipStation accounts based in Canada. It allows you to create domestic shipping labels and return labels, manifest your shipments, and track shipment progress directly within ShipStation to ensure successful delivery.

Interested in a Loomis Express account? Fill in their sign-up form to get started!

Loomis Express Integration Requirements

Connection Requirements:

  • A ShipStation account based in the US or Canada.

  • An active account with Loomis Express

  • Your Loomis Express username, password, and account number

API Credentials

You must contact the Loomis Express Servicedesk if you need to acquire API credentials at servicedesk@loomis-express.com.

Other Requirements

  • Manifesting is required to enable the label to be viewed in tracking and for billing.

  • Return Authorization Number is a mandatory shipment reference. You must input to generate an E-Return.

Connect a Loomis Express Account to ShipStation

To connect your Loomis Express account to ShipStation:

🇺🇸 🇨🇦 Your Carriers Add-On

For US- and Canada-based ShipStation accounts, certain plans will require you to enable the Your Carriers add-on before you can connect your carrier accounts. If you have not yet enabled it, you'll be prompted to do so before you can connect your accounts.

  1. Click the Add Carrier button.

  2. Select Loomis Express and click Connect.

    Loomis Express logo
  3. Enter your Loomis Express Username, Password, and Account Number, then choose an Account Nickname for you to identify the carrier account in ShipStation.

  4. Click Connect.

Available Features for Loomis Express

ShipStation's integration with Loomis Express supports the following standard features:

Additional Features for Loomis Express

ShipStation's integration with Loomis Express allows for the following additional features:



Scheduled Pickups

ShipStation lets you schedule a pickup in-app between 15:00 - 18:00 hrs (3:00 PM - 6:00 PM). Pickup times will display in 15-minute increments.

When scheduling a pickup request, set the end-time to be no later than 17:45 hrs (5:45 PM). Loomis Express does not accept pickup window end-time of exactly 18:00 hrs (6:00 PM).

This service is only available with a regular Loomis Express account. ShipStation One Balance carrier accounts do not support scheduled pickups.


A pickup with no packages ready will trigger a Pickup Not Available charge. The driver may determine this charge at the time of pickup.

No fee is associated with using a label that has not been manifested.

The label is still usable, but manifesting is required for billing and if you wish to view the label in Tracking.

Tracking is available for all services.

All services and routes support tracking.

No label expiration.

Loomis Express doesn’t expire labels. They do recommend that you use the label within 30 days.

Available Services, Packages, & Confirmation Types

Loomis Express Domestic Services

  • Loomis Express Domestic 9:00

  • Loomis Express Domestic 12:00

  • Loomis Express Domestic 18:00

  • Loomis Express Domestic Ground

Loomis Express Package Types

  • Box (default)

Confirmation Options

  • Signature (default)

  • Adult Signature

  • NSR (No Signature Required)

The carrier can be used to create domestic shipping labels.

The carrier can be used to create international shipping labels.

ShipStation will submit international customs declarations electronically to the carrier.

The carrier can be used to create domestic return labels.

ShipStation will display estimated shipping rates for the carrier based on the connected account information and shipment details.

Shipment insurance, provided by the shipment's selected carrier, can be added to the shipment in ShipStation. This insurance would be in addition to any default coverage already provided by that carrier.

Shipping labels created for this carrier will include a tracking number that can be used to view the shipment status on the carrier's tracking website. Tracking may not be available for all shipping services.

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and submit the manifest electronically. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. A printable file may or may not be available when submitted electronically - see End of Day (PDF).

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and create a printable PDF of the manifest to provide to the carrier. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. The file may or may not be submitted electronically - see End of Day (Electronic).

ShipStation can print the store's logo on shipping labels created for this carrier. Label branding may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

ShipStation can print information on the label as a label message (configure in Label Document Options). The carrier may or may not support all 3 label message fields and label messages may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

Multi-Package Shipping

You can connect this carrier to ShipStation multiple times using different accounts and choose which account will be used to create each shipment.

Loomis Integration Notes

  • Loomis only has one field on their label related to name, which complicates situations where a company name and a person’s name are input into ShipStation. Here is how ShipStation manages this:

    • If only Company Name is specified, Company Name is listed as delivery_name

    • If only Name is specified, Name is listed as delivery_name

    • If both Company Name and Name are specified, Company Name is listed as delivery_name

  • Dangerous Goods and Chain of Signature shipments are not eligible for returns.

Troubleshooting Tips for Loomis Integration

Here are some common issues, potential causes, and troubleshooting tips.


How to Troubleshoot or Resolve

ERROR: Authorization for this request was denied by the module.

What it means: There was one of two problems when you tried to set up the carrier integration.

  • You entered your Loomis credentials or information incorrectly.

  • You do not have permission to use a third-party platform on your Loomis account.

What to do:

You should try to re-enter your Loomis credentials or information incorrectly. If this does not resolve your issue, contact Loomis directly to verify that you have permission or request permission to use a third-party platform on your account.

The carrier can be used to create domestic shipping labels.

The carrier can be used to create international shipping labels.

ShipStation will submit international customs declarations electronically to the carrier.

The carrier can be used to create domestic return labels.

ShipStation will display estimated shipping rates for the carrier based on the connected account information and shipment details.

Shipment insurance, provided by the shipment's selected carrier, can be added to the shipment in ShipStation. This insurance would be in addition to any default coverage already provided by that carrier.

Shipping labels created for this carrier will include a tracking number that can be used to view the shipment status on the carrier's tracking website. Tracking may not be available for all shipping services.

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and submit the manifest electronically. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. A printable file may or may not be available when submitted electronically - see End of Day (PDF).

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and create a printable PDF of the manifest to provide to the carrier. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. The file may or may not be submitted electronically - see End of Day (Electronic).

ShipStation can print the store's logo on shipping labels created for this carrier. Label branding may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

ShipStation can print information on the label as a label message (configure in Label Document Options). The carrier may or may not support all 3 label message fields and label messages may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

Multi-Package Shipping

You can connect this carrier to ShipStation multiple times using different accounts and choose which account will be used to create each shipment.

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