Order Summaries

An order summary is similar to a packing slip but is more customer-focused. Order Summaries omit information the warehouse staff typically uses (like warehouse locations and barcodes). You may want to include the order summary inside the package to your customer instead of the packing slip. 

Here is a sample of a full order summary:

ShipStation Order Summary Report example document

Here is a sample of a simple order summary:

Order summary report example displaying products, quantity, unit price and total price.

The simple summary includes only the order number and item related details.

Print Order Summaries

You can print Order Summaries from the Print menu in the Orders tab, the Orders grid Shipping Sidebar, or the Order Details screen. 

Orders Tab Print Menu
Orders tab with an arrow pointing to print menu with drop-down options revealed

When printing from the Orders tab print menu, select the order in the Orders grid first. You may also select multiple orders to consolidate multiple order summaries into a single report.

Shipping Sidebar Print Menu
Orders tab shipping sidebar. A box highlights the Print menu with its dropdown options.
Order Details Print Menu

Click the Print All drop-down and select Order Summary.


Customize Order Summaries

ShipStation order summaries have a few customization options in the Order Summary Document Options.

Order Summary Document Options

The Order Summary includes recipient information, date paid, amount paid, order #, store name, customer and internal notes, and ordered items.

The Order Summary Printing Setup modal allows you to choose how your order summary appears. Sort Orders By shows the Order Number - highest first selected from the drop-down. A check box is next to Product Images, Product SKU, and 'Scan to View' Barcode. Simple Summary has been left unchecked. A Save Changes button keeps the selected options and closes out the modal.

The Order Summary Document Options are account-wide settings.



Sort Orders By

Determines the sequence the orders print on the Order Summary page(s). 

Options are:

  • Order Date: Most recent first / last

  • Date Paid: Most recent first / last

  • Buyer Name: a to z or z to a

  • Order Number: lowest / highest first

  • Item SKU: a to z or z to a

  • Item Name: a to z or z to a

Product Images

Allows you to show or hide product image thumbnails on the order summary.

Product SKU

Allows you to use the product SKU listed in ShipStation Product Details rather than the SKU imported from the selling channel if the SKUs differ.

Simple Summary

The simple summary displays only the order number and item details and omits all other information.

"Scan to View" Barcode

Adds a Scan to View barcode to the Order Summary.

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