ShipStation Integrations Glossary

Collection of terms and definitions related to ShipStation's integrated partners.

Shipping and Integration Terms

A summary of common shipping and integration-specific terms.

Ancillary Service Endorsement (ASE)

Ancillary Service Endorsements serve to request an addressee’s new address and to provide the carrier, courier, postal service, or other shipping provider with instructions on how to handle undeliverable-as-addressed pieces of mail.

Use of an ancillary service endorsement on a mailpiece obligates the mailer to pay any applicable charges for forwarding, return, and separate address notification charges.

Application Programming Interface (API)

A set of clearly defined communication methods for an interface between two or more systems. Pulls and pushes data under user interfaces, providing building blocks to enable you to access ecommerce application functions without requiring a hard-coded integration. Examples include adding an add-to-basket button into blog pages hosted on a third-party CMS like WordPress.

Automated Package Verification (APV)

The United States Postal Service (USPS) built the Automated Package Verification APV System to manage postage discrepancies (under-paid and over-paid postage labels) in an automated fashion. The USPS APV program considers postage paid on every domestic package, based on weight, dimensions, package type, mailing service, and origin and destination ZIP codes.

Business to Business (B2B)

Business-to-Business refers to any business that is conducted with other businesses. ShipStation is a B2B company. A form of transaction between businesses, such as one involving a manufacturer and wholesaler, or a wholesaler and a retailer, rather than between a company and individual consumer.

Business to Consumer (B2C)

Refers to the process of selling products and services directly between a business and consumers who are the end-users of its products or services. Most companies that sell directly to consumers can be referred to as B2C companies.


A unique number that serves as part of an API call that lets apps identify one another as being legitimate for sharing information. For example, ShipStaton may use a client_id with a carrier to retrieve and share shipping rates.

CN22 Form (CN22)

A customs declaration form required for international shipping, especially for packages coming from or destined for outside of the EU. These forms contain information about the goods you are shipping, including which goods are packaged inside your parcel, their value, names of the shipper and receiver, and any parties involved in the shipping. Customs authorities use these forms to determine taxation, import duties, security, public health, and environmental protection.

These documents are scanned, and if descriptions inaccurately relate the contents, you may be fined for up to 100% of the merchandise value.

Check with your national tax authority for an overview of all EU countries. Also, take note of any regions where exceptions may apply. Some regions within the EU are not part of the EU customs zone, but shipments to these regions are still subject to customs control. Thus, you must always include a CN22 or CN23 customs declaration with them.

CN22 specs by country:

  • 🇺🇸 For US shippers: See the US Customs and Border Protection page for Determining Duty Rates.

  • 🇬🇧 For UK shippers: Use a CN22 for any items with a value up to £270. Use a CN23 form for items valued over £270.

  • 🇨🇦 For Canada shippers: Use a CN22 form for items valued under CAD $500, and check Canada Post's Required Customs Documentation page for the correct form for items valued over CAD $500.

  • 🇦🇺 🇳🇿 For ANZ shippers: Use a CN22 form for any items with a value up to $500 AUD.

  • 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 For Europe shippers: Use a CN22 for any items with a value up to 380 Euros.

    Attention : les formulaires postaux CN22 et CN23 ne peuvent être utilisés pour des envois dont la valeur dépasse 1 000 €. À partir, de ce montant, une déclaration en douane sera établie et déposée par La Poste 1. Pour ce type d’envois, il est préférable de se renseigner préalablement auprès des services compétents du pays de destination.

NOTE: You can substitute a CN23 for a CN22, but not the other way around.

CN23 Form (CN23)

A customs declaration form required for international shipping, especially for packages coming from or destined for outside of the EU. These forms contain information about the goods you are shipping, including which goods are packaged inside your parcel, their value, names of the shipper and receiver, and any parties involved in the shipping. Customs authorities use these forms to determine taxation, import duties, security, public health, and environmental protection.

These documents are scanned, and if descriptions inaccurately relate the contents, you may be fined for up to 100% of the merchandise value.

Check with your national tax authority for an overview of all EU countries. Also, take note of any regions where exceptions may apply. Some regions within the EU are not part of the EU customs zone, but shipments to these regions are still subject to customs control. Thus, you must always include a CN22 or CN23 customs declaration with them.

CN23 specs by country:

  • 🇺🇸 For US shippers: See the US Customs and Border Protection page for Determining Duty Rates.

  • 🇬🇧 For UK shippers: Use CN23 form for items valued above £270.

  • 🇨🇦 For Canada shippers: Check Canada Post's Required Customs Documentation page for the correct form for items valued over CAD $500.

  • 🇦🇺 🇳🇿 For ANZ shippers: Use a CN23 form for any items with a value above $500 AUD.

  • 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 For Europe shippers: Utiliser Déclaration en douane CN23 (feuillet individuel ou feuillet intégré dans la liasse postale CP72) avec Envois postaux de valeur supérieure à 380 euros et inférieure ou égale à 1 000 euros. Attention : les formulaires postaux CN22 et CN23 ne peuvent être utilisés pour des envois dont la valeur dépasse 1 000 €. À partir, de ce montant, une déclaration en douane sera établie et déposée par La Poste 1. Pour ce type d’envois, il est préférable de se renseigner préalablement auprès des services compétents du pays de destination.

    Attention : les formulaires postaux CN22 et CN23 ne peuvent être utilisés pour des envois dont la valeur dépasse 1 000 €. À partir, de ce montant, une déclaration en douane sera établie et déposée par La Poste 1. Pour ce type d’envois, il est préférable de se renseigner préalablement auprès des services compétents du pays de destination.

NOTE: You can substitute a CN23 for a CN22, but not the other way around.

Commercial Invoice

A commercial invoice details the agreement between the shipper and receiver. This includes who’s responsible for the shipment and the duties and taxes (and whether or not they’ve already been paid).

Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

Technology for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. The goal is simple: Improve business relationships to grow your business. A CRM system helps companies stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.

Delivered at Place (DAP)

The shipper is responsible for the transportation costs, but not responsible for paying the taxes associated with this shipment. Customs agents will be using the contact information provided on the invoice and customs declarations to settle the charges.

The opposite of DDP. See similar DDU. See also INCOTERM.

Delivered Duty Paid (DDP)

When a shipment is shipped as DDP, the shipper is responsible for the shipment and for paying the taxes associated with the shipment. DDP and DDU/DAP are incoterms.

The opposite of DDU and DAP. See INCOTERM.

Delivered Duty Unpaid (DDU)

The shipper is responsible for the transportation costs, but not responsible for paying the taxes associated with this shipment. Customs agents will be using the contact information provided on the invoice and customs declarations to settle the charges.

The opposite of DDP. See similar DAP. See also INCOTERM.

dimensional weight (DIM)

Dimensional weight, also known as volumetric weight, is a pricing technique for commercial transport (including courier and postal services) of larger packages with a lighter weight. DIM weight uses an estimated weight calculated from the length, width, and height of a package divided by a specific divisor determined by the carrier.

If DIM weight applies to your package, the carrier will compare the DIM weight and actual weight and charge the higher of the two for the label.

Direct Integration

This is a store or carrier integration built directly into ShipStation. These integrations have a branded tile in either the Store Setup or Carriers Settings screens.

direct-to-consumer (DTC)

Direct-to-consumer is a term that means when brands sell directly to their end customers without selling through a retailer, distributor, wholesaler, or other outlets.

Distribution Center

Distribution centers are a key part of the distribution chain for products, order fulfillment, and storing produced goods prior to their shipment to wholesale, retail, or customers.


A type of shipping wherein the online store doesn’t keep the product it sells in its own inventory. Instead, the store partners with a wholesale supplier and passes the order details to them, so the supplier ships the product directly to the customer.

ShipStation can help you to use drop-shipping in two ways:

  • Add the dropshipper as a user to your ShipStation account so the dropshipper has access to create labels for those orders with your carrier accounts.

  • The dropshipper adds your selling channel to the dropshipper’s ShipStation account, so the merchant’s orders import and the dropshipper uses their own carrier account to create labels.

Economic Operator Registration And Identification Number (EORI)

An ID code used to track and register customs information in the EU. Currently, all businesses that import or export goods from countries outside the EU need an EORI number.

Required to ship goods from the UK on and after 1 January, 2021.

Electronic Advance Data (EAD)

A customs requirement that information about the sender, receiver, and parcel contents all be gathered digitally and sent ahead to Customs in the destination country. China and the US have passed legislation introducing this requirement to bolster border protection, and more countries are likely to follow suit in the coming years.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

A communication method and standard for exchanging data (often customs information) by electronic means.

Electronic Trade Document (ETD)

A method to transmit customs documents electronically, used primarily by FedEx. The letters "ETD" will be printed on FedEx labels to indicate your data has been submitted electronically. For FedEx International Ground, the letters "ETD" will appear in a black box under the shipping service icon.

Employer Identification Number (EIN)

The IRS uses an Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, to identify a business entity. Generally, businesses need an EIN. You can apply online for this free service at the IRS Employer ID Numbers page, and you should check with your state government to see if you also need a state number or charter.

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) integrates and manages a company’s main business processes in real-time. This technology connects together a large organization's different software systems into one, yet it still helps each department to manage its own system. 

Enterprise resource planning often integrates accounts payable, order tracking, stock-monitoring, and customer management systems to be accessed through one application with one interface.

Excise Duty

A tax imposed on goods for their production, licensing, and sale. Such fees are charged on alcohol or tobacco imported into the UK from outside the EU. The charges are applied by Border Force on behalf of HMRC. At the end of the Brexit transition period, excise duties are expected to apply for goods coming into the UK from the EU.

Extended Price

The price paid for the item itself (unit cost, retail price), plus any additional costs associated with acquiring it. Such costs may include shipping, customs duties, levies, delivery costs, shipping insurance, legal fees, etc. Add all these ancillary acquisition costs to the price of the item itself to get its Extended Price, as it appears on a receipt or invoice.

An extended price can show the price of the quantity purchased (so should you purchase only one of something, the ‘price’ and ‘extended price’ can be the same). It can show a discounted price due to a wholesale deal, a sale percentage from the regular price, or it can be some other price an individual seller sets.


Franking includes all devices, markings, or combinations thereof ("franks") applied to mails of any class that qualifies them to be postally serviced. Types of franks include stamps, impressions applied via postage meters, official use "Penalty" franks, Business Reply Mail (BRM), and other permit Imprints (Indicia), manuscript and facsimile "franking privilege" signatures, "soldier's mail" markings, and any other forms authorized by the 192 postal administrations that are members of the Universal Postal Union. 

"Postage" franking is the physical application and presence of postage stamps, or any other markings recognized and accepted by the postal system or systems providing service. These indicate the payment of sufficient fees for the class of service which the item of mail is to be or had been afforded. 

"Privilege" franking is a personally pen-signed or printed facsimile signature of a person[11] with a "franking privilege" such as certain government officials (especially legislators) and others designated by law or Postal Regulations.


Fulfillment is the receipt, processing, packaging, and shipping of orders made through your online store.

Full Truck Load (FTL)

Full Truck Load shipping is the transport of goods in a shipment that fills an entire truck's space or weight capacity. FTL shipments get contracted to one customer, so the shipment typically goes to one location and travels on a more flexible schedule.

Harmonization Tariff System Code (HTS Code)

Also known as the Harmonized Tariff Schedule Code, this is a 10-digit import classification system for internationally traded products. An HTSUS code takes the same form as an HS Code for the first six digits and then has four differing last digits. This internationally recognized commodity description is set by the US International Trade Commission (ITC).

You can add harmonization codes to your customs declarations either manually in the order details or by adding them to their product details. While not always required, it is recommended for international shipments. All U.S. importers should know and use the correct HTSUS codes because this classification is the basis for how commodity duties are assessed.

See also Harmonized System Codes.

Harmonized System Codes (HS Code)

An internationally standardized system of names and numbers used to classify globally traded products. The codes are required on customs declaration forms CN22 and CN23 for goods sent to other countries. Each commodity group is identified by a six-digit code used to identify the duty and tax rates for specific types of products. The system was developed by the World Customs Organization and is used by over 200 countries as a basis for their customs tariffs.

See also Harmonization Tariff System code.

Headless ecommerce

Headless ecommerce is where ecommerce services are provided by the ecommerce application but the presentation layer is delivered by a separate system, for example aCMS. Ecommerce platforms that expose application functionality via APIs and services can be used in a headless setup. Headless enables front-end developers to present content using any framework they like without disrupting the backend ecommerce functionality.

International Commercial Terms (INCOTERM)

Incoterms or International Commercial Terms are a series of pre-defined commercial terms that relate to international commercial law. Published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), these terms are widely used in international commercial transactions or procurement processes, and their use is encouraged by trade councils, courts, and international lawyers. The terms exist as an international standard to protect buyers and sellers and to regulate the payment terms for the receiver of the goods.

See DDP, DDU, and DAP for examples of INCOTERMs.

International Transaction Number (ITN)

The number assigned to a shipment confirming that the Automated Export System (AES) accepted the Electronic Export Information (EEI) and has it on file. Every AES shipment must have a unique ITN.

For the purposes of AES filing, a shipment is all goods (regardless of the number of packages) tendered to the USPS on the same day from one US Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) to one addressee. The USPS defines the USPPI as “the person or legal entity in the United States that receives the primary benefit, monetary or otherwise, from the export transaction.” (Source: USPS)


The assembly of separate pieces into a single offering, and most often pre-built in batches. The point of creating kits is to have a ready-to-ship set once a customer places an order to expedite the retail fulfillment process. Unlike a regular order, where you can’t predict what all a customer will order before they complete a purchase, kitting is used when a certain combination is known ahead of time.

Less Than Truck Load (LTL)

Less Than Truck Load shipping is the transport of goods in a shipment that shares a truck's space or weight capacity with other shipments. LTL shipments are contracted to multiple customers, so the shipments typically go to several locations and travel on a more rigid schedule. These shipments often stop at a distribution center for sorting.

Note to Buyer

The shipment update ShipStation sends to the selling channel will include any Notes to Buyer set on the order in ShipStation.

Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)

An authorization number or character sequence (typically) that must be displayed on or included with a returned product's packaging. This serves as part of the process of returning a product to receive a refund, replacement, or repair.

Also called a return authorization (RA), or a return goods authorization (RGA).

Serial Shipping Container Code ID (SSCC ID)

The Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) is the GS1 Identification Key used to identify a logistic unit. This unique identifier is comprised of an Extension Digit, a GS1 Company Prefix, a Serial Reference, and a Check Digit. For many shipments, their package IDs are actually SSCC IDs which are a global resource maintained outside the carrier. SSCCs are like static IP addresses. You “purchase” ranges from the governing body and then use them as needed.

Service Level Agreement (SLA)

The commitment between a supplier and a customer defining which service will be provided, how the service will be measured, and what remedies or penalties (if any) may arise should the service fail, change, or be unmet.

Short Message Service (SMS)

Text messages sent via a traditional cellular network and limited to 160 characters, including spaces. Most carrier services chain messages together when SMSs exceed this limit. Now often includes Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), the media-enhanced version of an SMS message (built on the same technology as SMS ) that allows users to send images, videos, or audio.

Third-Party Logistics (3PL)

A firm that provides outsourced supply chain management and logistics services to its customers. Services generally include managing inventory, picking, packing, shipping, and returns management among other functions. The terms 3PL and fulfillment often get used interchangeably.

E.g.: Shipwire is a ShipStation-approved 3PL option.


A token is an authentication method for an API service or integration. In most cases, the term refers to a username, password, or access key that grants ShipStation access to your order information.

For some channels, tokens will expire and have to be refreshed. When this occurs, in most cases you will need to reconfigure your store connection in ShipStation. Review the specific article for your selling channel in the Integrations Help Guide if you need further information.

Universal Routing and Sorting Aid (URSA)

The Universal Routing and Sorting Aid (URSA) for FedEx Express shipments is one of the files that you download from FedEx. A single URSA file is used by all meters. FedEx Ship Manager Server uses the URSA file to validate service offerings and to provide routing codes that direct a shipment through the delivery network. The URSA file is updated at least monthly by FedEx and is downloaded during the normal download operations when new routing information is available.

Source: FedEx Ship Manager Server Installation and Configuration Guide (p 136)

Value-Added Tax (VAT)

Value-Added Tax - also known as a goods and services tax (GST) - is a consumption tax based on the value of goods and implemented as a destination-based tax. VAT usually comes into play when shipping internationally to countries that charge customs fees and taxes to recipients on imported goods. VAT may be recovered for commercial shipments only by a VAT registered recipient; VAT ranges from 5% to 25% depending upon country.

Shipments to certain countries are often subject to customs fees/taxes, like VAT. ShipStation does provide the option to have the fees charged to the shipper (DDP), instead of the recipient, if the carrier supports that option.

Warehouse Management System (WMS)

Software that supports day-to-day operations in a warehouse. Controls movement of goods and processes including receiving, tracking, picking, packing, and shipping.

Selling Channels - Common Features Terms

Definitions for the Common ShipStation Features table on each Selling Channel's help article.

Customer Emails

ShipStation will import the customer's email address with the order data and can send shipment confirmation and delivery emails to that email address (configured in your Store settings).

Customer Phone Numbers

ShipStation will import the customer phone number with the order data.

Custom Statuses

If a store allows custom statuses, this means you define that statuses your orders use in your selling channel. In most cases, if you have custom statuses you'll need to define which ShipStation statuses each custom order status corresponds to.


ShipStation will import discount and coupon information for the order.

Identifies Gift Orders

ShipStation can determine if an order is a gift from the order data sent by the store.

Internal Notes

ShipStation will import internal notes or order activity from the store into the ShipStation Internal Notes field.

Item Images

ShipStation will import an image URL for each line item in the order. These images will appear as thumbnails in your Order Details and can be included in email notifications and packing slips.

Item Options

ShipStation will import item options (such as color or size) for each line item in the order. This data will appear in your Order Details and can be included in customer emails and packing slips.

Item Warehouse Location

ShipStation will import a product stock location for each line item in the order.

Item Weight

ShipStation will import the weight for each line item in the order.

Notes from Buyer

ShipStation will import notes provided by the customer when they made their purchase.

Order Weight

ShipStation will import the total order weight from the store.

Payment Method

ShipStation will import the payment method used to pay for the order.

Requested Service

ShipStation will import the shipping method chosen by the customer during their store checkout.

Carriers - Common Features Terms

Definitions for Common ShipStation Features table on each Carrier's help article.

Carrier Insurance

Shipment insurance, provided by the shipment's selected carrier, can be added to the shipment in ShipStation. This insurance would be in addition to any default coverage already provided by that carrier.

Domestic Shipping

The carrier can be used to create domestic shipping labels.

Electronic Customs Submission

ShipStation will submit international customs declarations electronically to the carrier.

End of Day (Electronic)

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and submit the manifest electronically. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. A printable file may or may not be available when submitted electronically - see End of Day (PDF).

End of Day (PDF)

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and create a printable PDF of the manifest to provide to the carrier. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. The file may or may not be submitted electronically - see End of Day (Electronic).

Estimated Rates

ShipStation will display estimated shipping rates for the carrier based on the connected account information and shipment details.

International Shipping

The carrier can be used to create international shipping labels.

Label Branding

ShipStation can print the store's logo on shipping labels created for this carrier. Label branding may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

Label Messages

ShipStation can print information on the label as a label message (configure in Label Document Options). The carrier may or may not support all 3 label message fields and label messages may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

Multi-package Shipping

This carrier can be used to create multi-package shipments, where multiple labels are created for a single shipment and the individual packages are linked together in a single shipment record with a master tracking number.

Multiple Accounts

You can connect this carrier to ShipStation multiple times using different accounts and choose which account will be used to create each shipment.

Pick Up Drop Off (PUDO)

This carrier supports PUDO services, which will drop the parcel off at a pickup location (typically a locker bank, outlet, or retail store) where your customer can retrieve the parcel.

Return Labels

The carrier can be used to create domestic return labels.


Shipping labels created for this carrier will include a tracking number that can be used to view the shipment status on the carrier's tracking website. Tracking may not be available for all shipping services.

Ancillary Service Endorsements serve to request an addressee’s new address and to provide the carrier, courier, postal service, or other shipping provider with instructions on how to handle undeliverable-as-addressed pieces of mail.

Use of an ancillary service endorsement on a mailpiece obligates the mailer to pay any applicable charges for forwarding, return, and separate address notification charges.

A set of clearly defined communication methods for an interface between two or more systems. Pulls and pushes data under user interfaces, providing building blocks to enable you to access ecommerce application functions without requiring a hard-coded integration. Examples include adding an add-to-basket button into blog pages hosted on a third-party CMS like WordPress.

The United States Postal Service (USPS) built the Automated Package Verification APV System to manage postage discrepancies (under-paid and over-paid postage labels) in an automated fashion. The USPS APV program considers postage paid on every domestic package, based on weight, dimensions, package type, mailing service, and origin and destination ZIP codes.

Business-to-Business refers to any business that is conducted with other businesses. ShipStation is a B2B company. A form of transaction between businesses, such as one involving a manufacturer and wholesaler, or a wholesaler and a retailer, rather than between a company and individual consumer.

Refers to the process of selling products and services directly between a business and consumers who are the end-users of its products or services. Most companies that sell directly to consumers can be referred to as B2C companies.

A unique number that serves as part of an API call that lets apps identify one another as being legitimate for sharing information. For example, ShipStaton may use a client_id with a carrier to retrieve and share shipping rates.

Technology for managing all your company’s relationships and interactions with customers and potential customers. The goal is simple: Improve business relationships to grow your business. A CRM system helps companies stay connected to customers, streamline processes, and improve profitability.

A customs declaration form required for international shipping, especially for packages coming from or destined for outside of the EU. These forms contain information about the goods you are shipping, including which goods are packaged inside your parcel, their value, names of the shipper and receiver, and any parties involved in the shipping. Customs authorities use these forms to determine taxation, import duties, security, public health, and environmental protection.

These documents are scanned, and if descriptions inaccurately relate the contents, you may be fined for up to 100% of the merchandise value.

Check with your national tax authority for an overview of all EU countries. Also, take note of any regions where exceptions may apply. Some regions within the EU are not part of the EU customs zone, but shipments to these regions are still subject to customs control. Thus, you must always include a CN22 or CN23 customs declaration with them.

CN22 specs by country:

  • 🇺🇸 For US shippers: See the US Customs and Border Protection page for Determining Duty Rates.

  • 🇬🇧 For UK shippers: Use a CN22 for any items with a value up to £270. Use a CN23 form for items valued over £270.

  • 🇨🇦 For Canada shippers: Use a CN22 form for items valued under CAD $500, and check Canada Post's Required Customs Documentation page for the correct form for items valued over CAD $500.

  • 🇦🇺 🇳🇿 For ANZ shippers: Use a CN22 form for any items with a value up to $500 AUD.

  • 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 For Europe shippers: Use a CN22 for any items with a value up to 380 Euros.

    Attention : les formulaires postaux CN22 et CN23 ne peuvent être utilisés pour des envois dont la valeur dépasse 1 000 €. À partir, de ce montant, une déclaration en douane sera établie et déposée par La Poste 1. Pour ce type d’envois, il est préférable de se renseigner préalablement auprès des services compétents du pays de destination.

NOTE: You can substitute a CN23 for a CN22, but not the other way around.

A customs declaration form required for international shipping, especially for packages coming from or destined for outside of the EU. These forms contain information about the goods you are shipping, including which goods are packaged inside your parcel, their value, names of the shipper and receiver, and any parties involved in the shipping. Customs authorities use these forms to determine taxation, import duties, security, public health, and environmental protection.

These documents are scanned, and if descriptions inaccurately relate the contents, you may be fined for up to 100% of the merchandise value.

Check with your national tax authority for an overview of all EU countries. Also, take note of any regions where exceptions may apply. Some regions within the EU are not part of the EU customs zone, but shipments to these regions are still subject to customs control. Thus, you must always include a CN22 or CN23 customs declaration with them.

CN23 specs by country:

  • 🇺🇸 For US shippers: See the US Customs and Border Protection page for Determining Duty Rates.

  • 🇬🇧 For UK shippers: Use CN23 form for items valued above £270.

  • 🇨🇦 For Canada shippers: Check Canada Post's Required Customs Documentation page for the correct form for items valued over CAD $500.

  • 🇦🇺 🇳🇿 For ANZ shippers: Use a CN23 form for any items with a value above $500 AUD.

  • 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 For Europe shippers: Utiliser Déclaration en douane CN23 (feuillet individuel ou feuillet intégré dans la liasse postale CP72) avec Envois postaux de valeur supérieure à 380 euros et inférieure ou égale à 1 000 euros. Attention : les formulaires postaux CN22 et CN23 ne peuvent être utilisés pour des envois dont la valeur dépasse 1 000 €. À partir, de ce montant, une déclaration en douane sera établie et déposée par La Poste 1. Pour ce type d’envois, il est préférable de se renseigner préalablement auprès des services compétents du pays de destination.

    Attention : les formulaires postaux CN22 et CN23 ne peuvent être utilisés pour des envois dont la valeur dépasse 1 000 €. À partir, de ce montant, une déclaration en douane sera établie et déposée par La Poste 1. Pour ce type d’envois, il est préférable de se renseigner préalablement auprès des services compétents du pays de destination.

NOTE: You can substitute a CN23 for a CN22, but not the other way around.

A commercial invoice details the agreement between the shipper and receiver. This includes who’s responsible for the shipment and the duties and taxes (and whether or not they’ve already been paid).

When a shipment is shipped as DDP, the shipper is responsible for the shipment and for paying the taxes associated with the shipment. DDP and DDU/DAP are incoterms.

The opposite of DDU and DAP. See INCOTERM.

The shipper is responsible for the transportation costs, but not responsible for paying the taxes associated with this shipment. Customs agents will be using the contact information provided on the invoice and customs declarations to settle the charges.

The opposite of DDP. See similar DAP. See also INCOTERM.

The shipper is responsible for the transportation costs, but not responsible for paying the taxes associated with this shipment. Customs agents will be using the contact information provided on the invoice and customs declarations to settle the charges.

The opposite of DDP. See similar DDU. See also INCOTERM.

Dimensional weight, also known as volumetric weight, is a pricing technique for commercial transport (including courier and postal services) of larger packages with a lighter weight. DIM weight uses an estimated weight calculated from the length, width, and height of a package divided by a specific divisor determined by the carrier.

If DIM weight applies to your package, the carrier will compare the DIM weight and actual weight and charge the higher of the two for the label.

This is a store or carrier integration built directly into ShipStation. These integrations have a branded tile in either the Store Setup or Carriers Settings screens.

Distribution centers are a key part of the distribution chain for products, order fulfillment, and storing produced goods prior to their shipment to wholesale, retail, or customers.

A type of shipping wherein the online store doesn’t keep the product it sells in its own inventory. Instead, the store partners with a wholesale supplier and passes the order details to them, so the supplier ships the product directly to the customer.

ShipStation can help you to use drop-shipping in two ways:

  • Add the dropshipper as a user to your ShipStation account so the dropshipper has access to create labels for those orders with your carrier accounts.

  • The dropshipper adds your selling channel to the dropshipper’s ShipStation account, so the merchant’s orders import and the dropshipper uses their own carrier account to create labels.

Direct-to-consumer is a term that means when brands sell directly to their end customers without selling through a retailer, distributor, wholesaler, or other outlets.

An ID code used to track and register customs information in the EU. Currently, all businesses that import or export goods from countries outside the EU need an EORI number.

Required to ship goods from the UK on and after 1 January, 2021.

A customs requirement that information about the sender, receiver, and parcel contents all be gathered digitally and sent ahead to Customs in the destination country. China and the US have passed legislation introducing this requirement to bolster border protection, and more countries are likely to follow suit in the coming years.

A communication method and standard for exchanging data (often customs information) by electronic means.

A method to transmit customs documents electronically, used primarily by FedEx. The letters "ETD" will be printed on FedEx labels to indicate your data has been submitted electronically. For FedEx International Ground, the letters "ETD" will appear in a black box under the shipping service icon.

The IRS uses an Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as a Federal Tax Identification Number, to identify a business entity. Generally, businesses need an EIN. You can apply online for this free service at the IRS Employer ID Numbers page, and you should check with your state government to see if you also need a state number or charter.

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) integrates and manages a company’s main business processes in real-time. This technology connects together a large organization's different software systems into one, yet it still helps each department to manage its own system. 

Enterprise resource planning often integrates accounts payable, order tracking, stock-monitoring, and customer management systems to be accessed through one application with one interface.

A tax imposed on goods for their production, licensing, and sale. Such fees are charged on alcohol or tobacco imported into the UK from outside the EU. The charges are applied by Border Force on behalf of HMRC. At the end of the Brexit transition period, excise duties are expected to apply for goods coming into the UK from the EU.

The price paid for the item itself (unit cost, retail price), plus any additional costs associated with acquiring it. Such costs may include shipping, customs duties, levies, delivery costs, shipping insurance, legal fees, etc. Add all these ancillary acquisition costs to the price of the item itself to get its Extended Price, as it appears on a receipt or invoice.

An extended price can show the price of the quantity purchased (so should you purchase only one of something, the ‘price’ and ‘extended price’ can be the same). It can show a discounted price due to a wholesale deal, a sale percentage from the regular price, or it can be some other price an individual seller sets.

Franking includes all devices, markings, or combinations thereof ("franks") applied to mails of any class that qualifies them to be postally serviced. Types of franks include stamps, impressions applied via postage meters, official use "Penalty" franks, Business Reply Mail (BRM), and other permit Imprints (Indicia), manuscript and facsimile "franking privilege" signatures, "soldier's mail" markings, and any other forms authorized by the 192 postal administrations that are members of the Universal Postal Union. 

"Postage" franking is the physical application and presence of postage stamps, or any other markings recognized and accepted by the postal system or systems providing service. These indicate the payment of sufficient fees for the class of service which the item of mail is to be or had been afforded. 

"Privilege" franking is a personally pen-signed or printed facsimile signature of a person[11] with a "franking privilege" such as certain government officials (especially legislators) and others designated by law or Postal Regulations.

Fulfillment is the receipt, processing, packaging, and shipping of orders made through your online store.

Full Truck Load shipping is the transport of goods in a shipment that fills an entire truck's space or weight capacity. FTL shipments get contracted to one customer, so the shipment typically goes to one location and travels on a more flexible schedule.

Also known as the Harmonized Tariff Schedule Code, this is a 10-digit import classification system for internationally traded products. An HTSUS code takes the same form as an HS Code for the first six digits and then has four differing last digits. This internationally recognized commodity description is set by the US International Trade Commission (ITC).

You can add harmonization codes to your customs declarations either manually in the order details or by adding them to their product details. While not always required, it is recommended for international shipments. All U.S. importers should know and use the correct HTSUS codes because this classification is the basis for how commodity duties are assessed.

See also Harmonized System Codes.

An internationally standardized system of names and numbers used to classify globally traded products. The codes are required on customs declaration forms CN22 and CN23 for goods sent to other countries. Each commodity group is identified by a six-digit code used to identify the duty and tax rates for specific types of products. The system was developed by the World Customs Organization and is used by over 200 countries as a basis for their customs tariffs.

See also Harmonization Tariff System code.

Headless ecommerce is where ecommerce services are provided by the ecommerce application but the presentation layer is delivered by a separate system, for example aCMS. Ecommerce platforms that expose application functionality via APIs and services can be used in a headless setup. Headless enables front-end developers to present content using any framework they like without disrupting the backend ecommerce functionality.

The number assigned to a shipment confirming that the Automated Export System (AES) accepted the Electronic Export Information (EEI) and has it on file. Every AES shipment must have a unique ITN.

For the purposes of AES filing, a shipment is all goods (regardless of the number of packages) tendered to the USPS on the same day from one US Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) to one addressee. The USPS defines the USPPI as “the person or legal entity in the United States that receives the primary benefit, monetary or otherwise, from the export transaction.” (Source: USPS)

Incoterms or International Commercial Terms are a series of pre-defined commercial terms that relate to international commercial law. Published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), these terms are widely used in international commercial transactions or procurement processes, and their use is encouraged by trade councils, courts, and international lawyers. The terms exist as an international standard to protect buyers and sellers and to regulate the payment terms for the receiver of the goods.

See DDP, DDU, and DAP for examples of INCOTERMs.

The assembly of separate pieces into a single offering, and most often pre-built in batches. The point of creating kits is to have a ready-to-ship set once a customer places an order to expedite the retail fulfillment process. Unlike a regular order, where you can’t predict what all a customer will order before they complete a purchase, kitting is used when a certain combination is known ahead of time.

Less Than Truck Load shipping is the transport of goods in a shipment that shares a truck's space or weight capacity with other shipments. LTL shipments are contracted to multiple customers, so the shipments typically go to several locations and travel on a more rigid schedule. These shipments often stop at a distribution center for sorting.

The shipment update ShipStation sends to the selling channel will include any Notes to Buyer set on the order in ShipStation.

An authorization number or character sequence (typically) that must be displayed on or included with a returned product's packaging. This serves as part of the process of returning a product to receive a refund, replacement, or repair.

Also called a return authorization (RA), or a return goods authorization (RGA).

The Serial Shipping Container Code (SSCC) is the GS1 Identification Key used to identify a logistic unit. This unique identifier is comprised of an Extension Digit, a GS1 Company Prefix, a Serial Reference, and a Check Digit. For many shipments, their package IDs are actually SSCC IDs which are a global resource maintained outside the carrier. SSCCs are like static IP addresses. You “purchase” ranges from the governing body and then use them as needed.

The commitment between a supplier and a customer defining which service will be provided, how the service will be measured, and what remedies or penalties (if any) may arise should the service fail, change, or be unmet.

Text messages sent via a traditional cellular network and limited to 160 characters, including spaces. Most carrier services chain messages together when SMSs exceed this limit. Now often includes Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS), the media-enhanced version of an SMS message (built on the same technology as SMS ) that allows users to send images, videos, or audio.

A firm that provides outsourced supply chain management and logistics services to its customers. Services generally include managing inventory, picking, packing, shipping, and returns management among other functions. The terms 3PL and fulfillment often get used interchangeably.

E.g.: Shipwire is a ShipStation-approved 3PL option.

A token is an authentication method for an API service or integration. In most cases, the term refers to a username, password, or access key that grants ShipStation access to your order information.

For some channels, tokens will expire and have to be refreshed. When this occurs, in most cases you will need to reconfigure your store connection in ShipStation. Review the specific article for your selling channel in the Integrations Help Guide if you need further information.

Value-Added Tax - also known as a goods and services tax (GST) - is a consumption tax based on the value of goods and implemented as a destination-based tax. VAT usually comes into play when shipping internationally to countries that charge customs fees and taxes to recipients on imported goods. VAT may be recovered for commercial shipments only by a VAT registered recipient; VAT ranges from 5% to 25% depending upon country.

Shipments to certain countries are often subject to customs fees/taxes, like VAT. ShipStation does provide the option to have the fees charged to the shipper (DDP), instead of the recipient, if the carrier supports that option.

Software that supports day-to-day operations in a warehouse. Controls movement of goods and processes including receiving, tracking, picking, packing, and shipping.

The Universal Routing and Sorting Aid (URSA) for FedEx Express shipments is one of the files that you download from FedEx. A single URSA file is used by all meters. FedEx Ship Manager Server uses the URSA file to validate service offerings and to provide routing codes that direct a shipment through the delivery network. The URSA file is updated at least monthly by FedEx and is downloaded during the normal download operations when new routing information is available.

Source: FedEx Ship Manager Server Installation and Configuration Guide (p 136)

If a store allows custom statuses, this means you define that statuses your orders use in your selling channel. In most cases, if you have custom statuses you'll need to define which ShipStation statuses each custom order status corresponds to.

ShipStation will import the customer's email address with the order data and can send shipment confirmation and delivery emails to that email address (configured in your Store settings).

ShipStation will import the customer phone number with the order data.

ShipStation will import discount and coupon information for the order.

ShipStation can determine if an order is a gift from the order data sent by the store.

ShipStation will import internal notes or order activity from the store into the ShipStation Internal Notes field.

ShipStation will import an image URL for each line item in the order. These images will appear as thumbnails in your Order Details and can be included in email notifications and packing slips.

ShipStation will import item options (such as color or size) for each line item in the order. This data will appear in your Order Details and can be included in customer emails and packing slips.

ShipStation will import a product stock location for each line item in the order.

ShipStation will import the weight for each line item in the order.

ShipStation will import notes provided by the customer when they made their purchase.

ShipStation will import the total order weight from the store.

ShipStation will import the payment method used to pay for the order.

ShipStation will import the shipping method chosen by the customer during their store checkout.

Shipment insurance, provided by the shipment's selected carrier, can be added to the shipment in ShipStation. This insurance would be in addition to any default coverage already provided by that carrier.

The carrier can be used to create domestic shipping labels.

ShipStation will submit international customs declarations electronically to the carrier.

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and submit the manifest electronically. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. A printable file may or may not be available when submitted electronically - see End of Day (PDF).

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and create a printable PDF of the manifest to provide to the carrier. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. The file may or may not be submitted electronically - see End of Day (Electronic).

ShipStation will display estimated shipping rates for the carrier based on the connected account information and shipment details.

The carrier can be used to create international shipping labels.

ShipStation can print the store's logo on shipping labels created for this carrier. Label branding may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

ShipStation can print information on the label as a label message (configure in Label Document Options). The carrier may or may not support all 3 label message fields and label messages may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

This carrier can be used to create multi-package shipments, where multiple labels are created for a single shipment and the individual packages are linked together in a single shipment record with a master tracking number.

You can connect this carrier to ShipStation multiple times using different accounts and choose which account will be used to create each shipment.

This carrier supports PUDO services, which will drop the parcel off at a pickup location (typically a locker bank, outlet, or retail store) where your customer can retrieve the parcel.

The carrier can be used to create domestic return labels.

Shipping labels created for this carrier will include a tracking number that can be used to view the shipment status on the carrier's tracking website. Tracking may not be available for all shipping services.

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