Explains how to print packing slips, create custom packing slip templates, apply custom templates to your orders, and other important notes.
Since packing slips are often part of the shipping workflow, ShipStation includes the ability to print packing slips so you don't have to rely on printing from your various selling channels.
ShipStation includes a pre-made default packing slip that will automatically use the branding options you configure in each of your store's Branding settings (including your store logo, company name, phone number, and email address) and the packing slip footer message you add to your store's Packing Slips settings.
The packing slip uses the Company Name (top left) and Store Logo (top right) uploaded to the Branding tab of the store settings as well as any footer text added to the store's Packing Slips settings.
The default packing slip is available for all orders and for users on all plan levels.
Before printing your packing slips, make sure your Packing Slip Format is set correctly for the printer you wish to use for your packing slips.
To set your packing slip format:
Choose the Packing Slip Format you wish to use from the drop-down menu.
4" x 6" (thermal printer): use this option if you wish to print your packing slips from your thermal label printer.
8.5" x 11" (2 per page): use this option if you wish to print 2 4" x 6" packing slips on one 8.5" x 11" sheet from a standard desktop printer.
8.5" x 11" (full page): use this option if you wish to print one packing slip on a single 8.5" x 11" sheet from a standard desktop printer.
Printing Labels and Packing Slips Together
If you wish to print labels and packing slips simultaneously, go to the Label Document Options and choose the "w/ Packing Slip" option.
If you set the Label Layout to include packing slips, you cannot change the packing slip format in the Packing Slip Document Options screen.
Click Save Changes.
The other options in the Document Options screen allow you to further customize the packing slip appearance and how certain details appear on them. Review the ShipStation Print Settings or the Create Custom Packing Slips articles for additional details on these settings.
You can print packing slips from several locations in ShipStation.
Orders Tab and Shipments Tab Print Menus
To print packing slips for individual or multiple orders at once, select the order(s) in the Orders grid and choose Packing Slips from the Print menu.
To print packing slips for individual or multiple shipments, select the shipment(s) in the Shipments grid and choose Packing Slips from the Print menu.
Orders Grid Shipping Sidebar
For a single order, select the Packing Slip option from the Print menu in the Orders grid shipping sidebar, just above the Configure Shipment Widget.
Order Details Print Menus
Print the packing slip for a single shipment or all shipments associated with an order in the Order Details screen.
Packing Slip for a Single Shipment
Select the shipment in the Shipments panel.
Click the Shipment Actions drop-down and select Print > Packing Slip.
Packing Slips for all Shipments on an Order
Click the Print All drop-down and select Packing Slip.
Shipment Details Print Menu
Print a packing slip for an individual shipment from the Shipment Details screen.
Open the Shipment Details screen by clicking a shipment number or double-clicking a shipment in the Shipments grid.
No matter which print option you choose, ShipStation will then open the print pop-up screen to choose your print method (ShipStation Connect, browser print, or download PDF).
Default Printers
If you have selected a default printer in your Print Setup settings, ShipStation will skip the print pop-up screen and send the packing slip directly to the default printer.
This GIF demonstrates printing a packing slip from the Orders tab using ShipStation Connect:
ShipStation will alert you if you attempt to print a packing slip that has already been printed.
If you split an order into multiple shipments and wish to print packing slips by selecting the order in the Orders grid, you must select all of the shipments in the order to print all of the packing slips.
Smart Document Tracking will display "Printed" in the Shipments grid Packing Slip column when you have either downloaded the PDF or printed a packing slip via ShipStation Connect.
If you choose the browser print option, Smart Document Tracking will not update the packing slip status to "Printed".
If you are using ShipStation's Legacy Layout, follow the instructions below to print packing slips or adjust the packing slip that is selected for the order.
There are several locations where you can print packing slips.
To print packing slips for individual or multiple orders or shipments at once, select the order(s) or shipment(s) in the Orders or Shipments grids, and choose Packing Slips from the Print menu.
Orders or Shipping Tab Print Menu
Select orders from the Order or Shipments grid and click Packing Slips from the Print menu.
Order Details Print Menu
Print the packing slip for an individual order in the Order Details or Shipment Details screen.
Order Details Shipments Menu
Use any of the above methods to print or reprint a packing slip for an order.