Shipment Records & Details

Shipment records contain all the shipping information for a specific shipment, including what items the shipment contains. Each shipment record in your account also has its own unique Shipment Number that ShipStation uses to identify and manage your shipments. 

Shipment Records are how ShipStation manages and tracks shipping activity in ShipStation. You may have a simple workflow that always results in one shipment per order, or you may have a more complex workflow that results in multiple shipments per order.

How Are Shipment Records Created?

The following actions will create a shipment record for an order, if no shipment record currently exists:

  • Clicking the Create + Print Label or Create Label button.

  • Sending an order to fulfillment (using the Send Request button).

  • Marking an order or shipment as Shipped.

  • Creating a return label.

You can access a shipment record in a few places:

  • In the Shipments grid.

  • In the Order Details screen under Shipment Activity.

Shipment Details

Your shipment details are stored in a shipment record. You can view these details at any time in the Shipment Details screen.


To open the Shipment Details screen, click on the shipment number anywhere in ShipStation.

Shipment Details includes:

  • Shipment Number

  • Shipment Status

  • Smart Document Tracking

  • Order number, Ship by date, Requested Service

  • Recipient Ship To address

  • Items included in the shipment

  • Tracking number (links to carrier's tracking page, when available)

  • Ship Date

  • Ship From Location

  • Weight, Service, Package type, Dimensions

  • Label Cost

  • Any other selected shipping options (Confirmation, Insurance, etc)

Smart Document Tracking

Each shipment in ShipStation includes Smart Document Tracking to let you know when a shipment has had its packing slip printed, labels created and printed, and notifications sent. 

When the action is successful, the icons turn dark grey and the following text appears so you can see at a glance what actions have and have not occurred:

Smart document tracking Statuses, with respective icons. Reads, Packing slip: printed, Label: printed, & Notifications: sent
  • Packing Slip Printed

  • Label Created or Printed

  • Notifications Sent

If a notification fails to send, the icon will also display a red dot. Hover your mouse over the icon for a tooltip about why the notification failed. 

View the Smart Document Tracking for the shipment record in either the Shipment Details screen:

Shipment Details with Smart Tracking icons highlighted.

or in the Shipments grid:

Shipping grid with shipment highlighted and arrow pointing to Columns menu.

Use the Columns button - top right of the Shipments grid - to add or remove the Smart Document Tracking columns in the Shipping Grid. Drag and drop the column headers to reorder the columns into your preferred sequence. 

Smart Document Tracking
Smart Document Tracking
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