Create Custom Email Templates

Explains how to create custom templates for notification emails, using either the visual or HTML editor, and how to apply custom templates to your orders.

ShipStation includes a default email template for both Shipment and Delivery emails. The default template already includes store specific details from each store's Branding tab to the email, including your store logo image, company name, store name, phone, email address, and website. 

If you have not configured your store's Branding settings, review the articles about Branding in this help guide.

If you'd like to enhance the default template with your own layout or design, or build new email template from scratch, you can do so in the Email Templates Settings in ShipStation

From here, you can choose to either Copy the existing default template (or any other templates you've already made) and make modifications from there, or create a New Email Template from scratch. 

Email Template settings with arrows pointing to New Email Template button and Copy action.

Whichever you choose, you will have the option to use the visual editor (called a what you see is what you get editor, or WYSIWYG) or the HTML editor. 

The Visual Editor

The visual editor is what is known as a WYSIWYG, which stands for What You See Is What You Get.

This is ShipStation's visual editor for your email templates. The editor is what you see when you choose to copy, create new, or edit any of your email templates. 

WYSIWYG Editor for the New Email Template.

In this editor, you can set the Name of the template, the Subject of the email that will be sent, and add/delete/modify any information in the editor as needed. Use the content buttons to assist with fonts, text size, and other text formatting needs. 

In the editor, any text inside square brackets [ ] are called Field Replacements. Field Replacements tell ShipStation to replace the bracketed text with the associated store or order value. This ensures the emails contain store specific branding (like logos, store names, and website information) and order specific information (like Order #, tracking #, and ordered items). 

What You See Is What You GetField Replacements

The HTML Editor

If you would like to customize your email templates beyond what the visual editor allows, you can switch to the HTML editor. The HTML editor supports both HTML4 and HTML5 as well as internal CSS so you can create email templates exactly to the specifications you require. 

To access the HTML editor, click the Edit HTML button Button to open HTML code editor. Shows greater than, slash, and less than symbols. in the editor. ShipStation will then display the HTML for the current template and allow you to edit it.

Field Replacements work the same way in the HTML editor as they do in the visual editor.

Scripts and other Behaviors

Currently, ShipStation does not allow Javascript or any other scripts in the email or packing slip template editors. If you need to set conditions for certain information to be shown or hidden, we recommend creating multiple templates and using ShipStation's Automation Rules to apply the templates to the orders meeting your selected criteria.

Field Replacements

Apply Custom Email Templates

Once you have created some custom email templates, you can apply them to orders in a few ways. 

  • Apply the template at the store level. This method will apply the same template to all orders importing from that selling channel. 

  • Apply the template at the order level. This method allows you to change the template used on individual orders while leaving the store's default template in place. 

  • Apply the template using Automation Rules. Use automation rules to apply a different template to an order when it imports based on some preset criteria. For example, apply a template that includes a coupon code for all orders over $100.

Apply Template to a Store

To ensure all orders that import from a specific store use the same email template, assign the template in the store's Emails settings.

Repeat the above steps for each connected store. The selected template will then apply to all new orders when they import from the store.

Previously Imported Orders

Orders that have already imported will not be affected by this change. To change the template used by orders that have already imported, follow the instructions in the next section: Apply Templates to Individual Orders.

Apply Templates to Individual Orders

You can change the email template used for individual orders either in the Order Details screen for a single order or use a bulk action for multiple orders.

Apply to a Single Order

Repeat steps 1 - 3 for Delivery Notifications if desired. ShipStation will now use the selected template for this shipment when you email the notification to your customer.

Bulk Action

ShipStation will update the templates for the selected shipments and use those templates when you send the email notifications to your customers.

View Sample Email

To see what your email will look like to your customers, send yourself a sample email directly from the editor. ShipStation will send the test email to the email address associated with the user you are logged in as.

Alternately, if you would like to receive a copy of the actual email your customers receive, enter an email address into the Blind Copy on Shipment and Delivery Email field in your store's Notifications tab. This will tell ShipStation to add that email address as a BCC  on every Shipment and Delivery notification it sends to your customers. 

Notes About Custom Notification Templates

  • Not all HTML tags and attributes are supported. If you add an unsupported element in the HTML editor, red text will appear above the body editor to alert you and let you know which tag or element needs attention. You will not be able to exit the HTML editor until you delete the unsupported element.

  • Some HTML, while still valid, will not preview in the editor. This HTML should not prevent you from exiting the HTML editor and should appear successfully in your customer emails.

  • CSS can be added either inline or between <style> tags at the top of the template.

  • ShipStation's support team does not provide custom HTML assistance. Our support team is available to help troubleshoot, but they do not provide design or consultation services. Visit our user community forum for help with custom templates from other ShipStation users.

  • If you find your notification emails are routed to your customers' spam folder, consider adjusting the subject and body text of your notification emails to avoid spam words and phrases. Add a company email to your stores' Branding tab to help avoid emails getting filtered into your customers' spam folders.

what you see is what you getWhat You See Is What You GetField ReplacementsField Replacements
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