How do I add product images to packing slips?

If your selling channel transmits image URLs, or you have added image URLs to your Product Defaults, you can also print thumbnails of the images on your packing slips.

To add product images to your packing slips, go to the Packing Slip Template in your template settings.

In the template, you'll first create a space for the image and then add the [Image URL] field replacement to the appropriate spot. In this example, we add it to the left of the item description, but you can add it in whichever Order Items space you prefer.

  1. Click the Order Items Header section.

  2. Locate the <th> tags for Description.

  3. Enter the following text inside the opening <th> tag:


    The HTML should now look like this:

    <th align="left" colspan="2">
  4. Click the Order Items section and add the following code under the first <td> tag (the one containing the [Sku] field replacement):

    <td><img src="[Image Url]" height="100px" /></td>

    The height attribute will ensure the image is a thumbnail and not the full size product image. You can change the px value as needed.

  5. Click Save.


If no image appears after making this change, check to see if the Image URL uses https. If it does, try removing the s from the URL.

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