After you have shipped a few international orders, you may want to review your international shipping costs to see how frequently you ship to specific countries.
ShipStation provides a few different reporting options to help you assess your international shipping strategy. Review the summaries of your options below for details on each option.
Country Comparison Report
This report displays the countries you have shipped to, the number of items shipped to each country and the sales amount. It is a quick overview that can show where orders commonly come from and how much those customers paid.
Shipping Cost Report
The Shipping Cost Report will provide you with a list of your shipments that includes the amount the customer paid you for shipping when the order was placed in comparison to the actual cost of the shipment created in ShipStation.
Enter in a timeframe and your international carrier to see the cost compared to amount paid.
If you compare how much you spend on shipping versus how much you earn with international shipments, you can decide if you need to make changes to your shipment strategy.
Some actions to adjust your plan may be to:
Compare carrier rates and surcharges to find a better fit.
Adjust cost of shipping on your selling channel to cover shipping expenses.
Discover popular items by country and put more effort behind marketing them.
Restrict shipping to specific countries.
You can use raw data reports within ShipStation if you prefer to use spreadsheets or your reporting software.
Shipped Orders
The Shipped Orders report includes all the raw data about shipped orders. You can export the raw data reports and import them into reporting software or format them as needed. This can help you identify information about where products have been shipped and all the costs associated with the international shipments.
This report is located under Insights > Reports
. Select Shipped Orders.
Export Shipments Custom View
If you prefer to customize what data gets exported to the report, go to the Shipments tab and Create a Custom View.
Include the columns of information you want in your report then filter your orders to International only or specify a country. Then click the Export button.
On the Shipments page, click the Export Shipment button to bring up the Export Shipments pop-up menu.
Use these options to customize how you want your export to look. Click the Create new format button to select what information you want to include in the exported file.
Review the Export Shipment Records article for detailed instructions.