Field Replacements in Custom Templates

Field Replacements are a way to add content dynamically to your email or packing slip templates. Field Replacements will pull store-specific, order-specific, shipment-specific, and recipient-specific information into either the email or packing slip ShipStation creates. Once you have selected your Field Replacements, use the content buttons in the visual editor to assist with fonts, text size, and other text formatting needs.

Field Replacements are indicated by the square brackets [ ] surrounding the text in your email or packing slip editors.


To add a field replacement to a template, place your cursor where you wish the content to go and either click the field replacement button in the list or type the field replacement text into the editor exactly as it appears in the list (including the square brackets, capitals, and spaces).

To delete an existing field replacement from the template, highlight it and press Delete.

See the tables below for a list of all available field replacements for email and packing slip templates, along with a description of the information each field replacement adds to your template.

Email Field Replacements

The following table lists the field replacements available for custom email templates in ShipStation, along with a description of the information that field replacement will add to the email.

Field Replacements work the same whether you use the WYSIWYG (visual) or HTML editors.


Packing Slip Field Replacements

The following table lists the field replacements available for custom packing slip templates in ShipStation, along with a description of the information that field replacement will add to the packing slip.

Item-specific Field Replacements

You can only add item-specific field replacements (like [Sku] or [Image URL]) to the Order Items section of your packing slip template. These field replacements will not be available when editing other template sections.

Field ReplacementsWYSIWYG
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