Insights Reports: Accounting

The Accounting report pulls data specific to postage purchases from connected USPS shipping providers. As this report is USPS-specific, it is available only in US-based accounts.

The accounting reports are marked.


This section will be hidden unless you have, Express 1, or Endicia connected to ShipStation as a postage provider.

Account Balance History

The Account Balance History will provide you with a transaction history of any changes made to the funds available in the postage provider account.

Required Filters:

  • Purchased During (Start Date and End Date)

  • Provider

  • Shipping Account (based on Provider filter selected.)

Optional Filters: (only available if is selected as Provider)

  • Filter (Transaction Type)

Additional Notes:

  • If Endicia is selected as the Provider, the Purchased During filter should be set to a time period no greater than 7 consecutive days. If the date range is greater than 7 days, the report will not generate.


What does it mean?

Transaction Time

Date and time when the transaction occurred.

Activity / Tracking #

Description of the event. Endicia and Express 1 reports will also provide tracking number related to transaction.


The value of the transaction.


Total account balance resulting from the transaction.

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