Document Options

In addition to the Document Options for labels, ShipStation provides options for Packing Slips, Order Summaries, Pick Lists, and Shipment Manifests. These Document Options allow you to use simple customization options like which layout to use and what fields should or should not be included in the document.

Review the sections below for a full list and description of what Document Options are available for each document type.

Packing Slip Document Options

Document Options for packing slips allow you to customize parts of your packing slip regardless of your subscription plan.

Packing Slip Setup popup. Format, Order Items by, Store Logo, Item Prices, Item SKUs, Scan to View barcode, & Item Locations.

Packing slip Document Options are account-wide settings.



Packing Slip Format

The printer you use determines the packing slip format.

If you set the Label Layout to include packing slips, you cannot change the packing slip format here.

Available options: 

  • 4" x 6" (thermal printer)

  • 8.5" x 11" (2 per page)

  • 8.5" x 11" (full page)

2-Sided Printing on macOS

Your computer's print settings will impact the way your document prints. If your document prints on both sides after changing printer preferences, 2-sided printing could be active by default. To disable this, we recommend doing the following:

Order Items By

Determines the sequence an order's items are listed on the packing slips. 

Order Items By:

  • SKU

  • Name

  • Item Quantity (high to low or low to high)

  • Warehouse Location

  • None: items will be ordered as they appear in the Order Details.

Store Logo

Will add the store logo uploaded in your Store Settings to the packing slip. 

On the default packing slip, ShipStation adds the logo to the top right corner of the packing slip. 

For customized packing slips, the logo will appear where you have designated the [Store Logo] field replacement to appear in the packing slip HTML editor.

Item Prices

Allows you to show or hide item prices on the packing slip. 

For customized packing slips, disabling this option hides any HTML element using the "price" class.

Item SKUs

Allows you to show or hide item SKUs on the packing slip. 

For customized packing slips, disabling this option hides any HTML element using the "sku" class.

"Scan to View" Barcode

Allows you to show or hide ShipStation's Scan to View barcode on your packing slips. 

The Scan to View barcode is a special barcode you scan with a barcode scanner to open the Order Details of that order while in any part of the ShipStation interface. 

Using Scan to Print

If you plan to use the Scan to Print feature, your packing slip must include the Scan to View Barcode.

Item Locations

This option is only selectable if you have enabled Inventory Tracking.

Allows you to include the product's Inventory Warehouse Location (set in the Inventory tab of the Product Details) on the default packing slip.


  • Applies to the default packing slip only. This setting has no effect on custom packing slips, but you can add the [Product Location] field replacement to achieve the same results.

  • Inventory must be allocated to the shipment for locations to display on the packing slip accurately.

Item Location Field Setting

There are two fields displayed as Warehouse Location in ShipStation:

  • Product Default Warehouse Location (found in the Shipping tab of the product details)

  • Inventory Warehouse Location (found in the Inventory tab of the product details)

This setting will only display the Inventory Warehouse Location. To display the Product Default Warehouse Location instead, you must customize a packing slip and include the [Warehouse Location] field replacement.


Allows you to show or hide coupons or discount codes as line items on the Packing Slip.

Zero Quantity Items

This allows you to show or hide line items on the packing slip when the quantity for the item is 0.

Order Summary Document Options

The Order Summary includes recipient information, date paid, amount paid, order #, store name, customer and internal notes, and ordered items.

The Order Summary Printing Setup modal allows you to choose how your order summary appears. Sort Orders By shows the Order Number - highest first selected from the drop-down. A check box is next to Product Images, Product SKU, and 'Scan to View' Barcode. Simple Summary has been left unchecked. A Save Changes button keeps the selected options and closes out the modal.

The Order Summary Document Options are account-wide settings.



Sort Orders By

Determines the sequence the orders print on the Order Summary page(s). 

Options are:

  • Order Date: Most recent first / last

  • Date Paid: Most recent first / last

  • Buyer Name: a to z or z to a

  • Order Number: lowest / highest first

  • Item SKU: a to z or z to a

  • Item Name: a to z or z to a

Product Images

Allows you to show or hide product image thumbnails on the order summary.

Product SKU

Allows you to use the product SKU listed in ShipStation Product Details rather than the SKU imported from the selling channel if the SKUs differ.

Simple Summary

The simple summary displays only the order number and item details and omits all other information.

"Scan to View" Barcode

Adds a Scan to View barcode to the Order Summary.

Pick List Document Options

Pick lists provide details about items in the selected orders including SKUs, Descriptions (Item Names from the orders), Warehouse Location, and quantity. Use pick lists if you need a list of all the items to pick for a set of orders, which you can then sort into their corresponding shipments later. The options for pick lists allow you to choose how your pick lists appear.

Pick List Printing Setup popup. Options include: Summarize By, Order Items by, Product Images, Order Number, Product SKU

Pick List Document Options are account-wide settings.



Summarize By

Allows you to consolidate the same items into a single row with the total quantity or list each item needed individually. 

Options are: 

  • SKU

  • Name

  • SKU and Name

  • Do not summarize items (list each item individually)

Order Items By

Determines the sequence the items print on the pick list. 

Options are: 

  • SKU

  • Name

  • # of items

  • Warehouse location

  • Warehouse location then SKU

Product Images

Allows you to show or hide item thumbnail images, if they are available. 

Order Number(s)

Allows you to show or hide the order numbers associated with each product. 

Product SKU

Allows you to use the product SKU assigned in ShipStation rather than the SKU imported from the selling channel if they are different.

Zero Quantity Items

Allows you to show or hide line items from the pick list if they have a quantity of 0.

Shipment Manifest Document Options

The Shipment Manifest is an Insights Report that displays all shipments on a particular day. You can filter it by Provider, Shipping Account, and Ship From Location. This report does not close your shipments with the carrier and is not a scannable shipment manifest form.

The Shipment Manifest report can still be useful to a driver if they request a manifest, but they work for a carrier that doesn't provide printed manifests to ShipStation. That report may help to serve as proof that the driver picked up the packages.

Shipping Manifest Printing Setup popup. Check box for the option: ​​List items for each order in the shipment manifest​​

Enabling the option List items for each order in the shipment manifest will cause ShipStation to add each shipment's items to the manifest underneath its associated shipments. 

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