Edit Order & Shipment Details

The Order Details screen allows you to view and edit many of the order and shipment-specific details related to orders imported from online stores and marketplaces or orders manually created in ShipStation. This article will guide you through how to view and edit order and shipment details, including:

  • Shipment Details, such as the Ship To Address

  • Shipment items

  • Notes

  • The notification templates used for shipments

  • Shipment activity

Configure Shipment Details

Check out this help article for information on how to configure your shipment details, such as weight, dimensions, service and package, etc.

The Order Details Screen

When you refresh the page, the shipment details for orders in Awaiting Shipment will update if there are changes to the order on the marketplace.

You can use the Order Details screen to view or make additional changes to the shipment details. This article focuses on using the Order Details screen and show you how to make edits from the Orders Grid Shipping Sidebar.

Edit the Ship To Address & Shipment Details

You can update the Ship To Address & Shipment Details on any order in the Awaiting Payment, On Hold, or Awaiting Shipment status:

  • In the Shipment Details Panel of the Order Details screen

  • In the Configure Shipment Widget on the Orders Grid


Shipped or Cancelled orders cannot be edited. You will need to create a new shipment , void the existing label, or restore the order to update the address on these orders.

On the Order Details Screen

Edit the Ship To Address

  1. Open the Order Details screen for the order you wish to edit.

  2. Select the Edit link next to Ship To Address.

    The shipment details show the Ship To Address with Edit marked.
  3. Add or update the appropriate information. You can edit the following fields:

    • Full Name

    • Company

    • Country

    • Street Address

    • City, State, Zip

    • Phone

    • Email

    Speed Up with Copy & Paste

    You can paste an address into the Speed Up with Copy & Paste field, and ShipStation will auto-fill the Ship To Address fields for you!

    Paste an address to quickly populate the Ship To Address fields.
  4. Check the Validate and autocorrect address box if you wish for the address to be validated and corrected.

  5. Check the Lock address against store/marketplace updates box if you wish for ShipStation to ignore any address updates imported from the order source.

  6. Select Save.

The Ship To Address pop up.

Edit Additional Shipment Information

Click the link next to the information you wish to edit. You can update the following pieces of information in the Shipment Details panel:

Shipment Details with the following fields marked: validate address, This is a gift, ship by, hold until, date paid, assigned to, and add to batch.

In the Configure Shipment Widget

Edit the Ship To Address


Shipped or Cancelled orders cannot be edited. You will need to create a new shipment , void the existing label, or restore the order to update the address on these orders.

  1. Select the order you wish to edit in the Orders Grid.

    If needed, check the Show Sidebar checkbox to open the Configure Shipment Widget.

    The order line is marked with show sidebar checked.
  2. Select Edit in the Recipient section of the sidebar.

    The Edit link is marked in the Ship to address.
  3. Add or update the appropriate information. You can edit the following fields:

    • Full Name

    • Company

    • Country

    • Street Address

    • City, State, Zip

    • Phone

    • Email

    Paste a US Address

    You can paste an address into the Paste US Address field, and ShipStation will auto-fill the Ship To Address fields for you!

    Paste US Address is marked in the new order information.
  4. Check the Auto Correct box if you wish for the address to be validated and corrected.

  5. Select Save.

    The configure shipment widget.

Edit Additional Shipment Information

  1. Click the Order Number link in the Summary section of the sidebar. This will open the Order Details screen.

    THe summary section shows the message "This shipment partially fulfills order NH105" with the order number marked.
  2. Click the link for the information you wish to edit.

Edit Shipment Items

After an order is created or imported ShipStation allows you to continue to add line items to orders before they have shipped.

  1. Open the Order Details screen for the order you wish to edit.

  2. Select the Edit link at the top of the Shipment Items section in any order in ShipStation.

    Click the edit link in the Shipment Items panel.
  3. Add an item by selecting the Add Item button or delete an item by selecting the item's Delete Item button.

  4. Select the SKU, Name, Quantity, or Price field as needed when adding an item within ShipStation. You can also use the SKU or Name to search for existing products.

    Note: If the item SKU added here does not currently exist in ShipStation it will not create a new product record.

    The editable fields are highlighted on the Edit Shipment Items screen.
  5. Select Save Changes.

The new line item(s) will be added to your order! You can also split the order items into separate shipments if needed. Learn more about using Split Ship.

Notes about adding Items to Imported Orders

  • Items added to orders that imported from an order source will only be visible in ShipStation. These items will not be visible in the order source. They are also not sent in marketplace notifications.

  • You cannot edit or delete items that came from an order source in ShipStation. Make any necessary changes to imported order items in the order source. Then refresh your store imports to sync those changes to ShipStation.

  • Any packing slips or pick lists created after you add an item will show the new item.

  • Items added in ShipStation to an imported order will be noted in the order details view:

    • To permanently dismiss the informational panel, click 'Don’t show this again'. You can still see this information by hovering over the information icon next to the Additional Items header in the Order Items section.

View, Add, & Edit Notes

Notes associated with a shipment can be added and edited on the Order Details screen and in the Orders Grid sidebar. Some note fields may contain notes imported from the store (if the store supports sending notes to ShipStation). You can add or edit the following note fields:

  • Note From Buyer

  • Note To Buyer

  • Gift Note

  • Internal Note

  • Custom Fields 1, 2, and 3

Learn how to customize your packing slip and email notification templates so that they include notes!

About Notes

  • Notes imported from your store take priority in ShipStation. Be careful when editing Notes From Buyer, Notes To Buyer, and Gift Notes, as these notes can be overwritten with a store refresh.

  • Some stores allow you to map other order information into Custom Fields 1, 2, and 3. To find out if your store supports this option, review the article for your store's platform in the Integrations Help Guide.

On the Order Details Screen

  1. Open the Order Details screen for the order you wish to edit.

  2. Expand the Notes section to view the notes associated with the shipment.

    Expand the notes panel.
  3. Add or edit a note by clicking inside the field for the note you wish to update.

    The notes panel is displayed with the editable note fields highlighted.
  4. Optional: Pin notes by clicking on the pin icon for the note you wish to pin. The note will move to the top of the list and will be viewable even when the Notes panel is collapsed. This is useful when you wish to make a specific note more prominent.

    There is a note pinned to the top of the notes panel. The pin icons are highlighted.

In the Orders Grid

  1. Select the order in the Orders Grid.

    If needed, check the Show Sidebar checkbox to view the Configure Shipment Widget.

    The order line is marked with show sidebar checked.
  2. Expand the Notes section to view any existing notes.

    The notes section in the sidebar shows the carrot to expand the section marked.
  3. Add or edit a note by clicking inside the field for the note you wish to update.

    The fields marked in the Notes section
  4. Optional: Pin notes by clicking on the pin icon for the note you wish to pin. The note will move to the top of the list and will be viewable even when the Notes panel is collapsed. This is useful when you wish to make a specific note more prominent.

    There is a note pinned to the top of the notes panel. The pin icons are highlighted.

View Notes on the Orders Grid

The Notes column of the Orders Grid indicates which orders have notes and allows you to view them quickly. The icons in the Notes column will turn dark grey to indicate there is a note and what type of note it is. Hover over the icon to read the note in a popover.

The Notes title in the column is marked.

Select Packing Slip and Notifications for a Shipment

The Order Details screen allows you to select a packing slip and notification templates for individual shipments. This can be useful when you have a customized packing slip or email template (such as a backorder notice) you need to use for specific types of shipments or just once for a single shipment. It is also possible to specify that no notification should be sent for the shipment.

Learn more about printing packing slips and sending notifications.

  1. Open the Order Details screen and expand the Customer Communication section.

    The customer communications section is shown with the expand/collapse button highlighted.
  2. Select the Packing Slip, Shipment Notification, and Delivery Notification templates you wish to use for this shipment.

    The customer communication section in the sidebar shows the drop-down arrows marked for Packing Slip, Shipment Notification, and Delivery Notification.

View Shipment Activity

The Shipment Activity section of the Order Details screen is an activity log where ShipStation records actions taken on the shipment, both manually and via automation. Shipment Activity is useful when determining the chain of events that occurred for a shipment and which ShipStation user performed a specific action.

Shipment Activity Stored for 60 Days

After 60 days, this information will not be visible in ShipStation.

Each logged activity will display:

  • The date and time the activity was performed

  • The user that performed the activity.

    • Automated activities are listed as System

    • Activities performed by a ShipStation user will show the username of the user that performed the action.

  • Information about the activity that was performed.

View shipment activity by expanding the Shipment Activity section on the Order Details screen. For shipments with multiple activities, click the Load more link to view additional activity.

Shipment Activity shows the section carrot expanded and marked with the Load More link marked.
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