DHL Express

DHL Express is currently available to connect to accounts based in all supported ShipStation countries.

When you connect your DHL Express account to ShipStation you can immediately start creating DHL Express labels with your account's contracted rates. DHL Express supports international services for accounts in all countries, and domestic services for accounts in the UK, Germany, and France. ShipStation also allows you to schedule next-day pickups directly within the app.

If you don't yet have your own DHL Express account, but would like to get one, go to the DHL Express website to register.

Important! For information about DHL Express from ShipStation, which is included with accounts based in the US, Canada, and the UK, please go to our DHL Express from ShipStation help article.

DHL Express Service Updates

Updated May 12, 2023: DHL Express has added an emergency situation surcharge for deliveries. You will see this surcharge reflected in your rate estimate and Carrier Fee in ShipStation. For more information about the surcharge, see the DHL Express Emergency Situation Surcharge page.

Check here for other temporary service adjustments.

DHL Express Requirements

Connection Requirements:

  • An active account with DHL Express.

  • Your DHL Express account number.

  • Your DHL Express API Key (Site ID) and API Secret (Password).

    Register for your credentials on the DHL Express Developer Portal.

Label Requirements:

  • All DHL Express shipments require both weight and dimensions to create a label successfully.

  • DHL Express requires a Company Name for both the Ship To and Ship From address. If no Company Name is available, ShipStation will reuse the Ship To and Ship From Name.

Connect a DHL Express Account to ShipStation

To connect your DHL Express account to ShipStation:

🇺🇸 🇨🇦 Your Carriers Add-On

For US- and Canada-based ShipStation accounts, certain plans will require you to enable the Your Carriers add-on before you can connect your carrier accounts. If you have not yet enabled it, you'll be prompted to do so before you can connect your accounts.

  1. Click the Add Carrier button.

  2. Select DHL Express and click Connect.

    DHL Express logo on the ShipStation connect button
  3. Enter your DHL Express Account Number, API Key (Site ID), and Secret (Password).

    To obtain your DHL Express API Key and Secret, you must register for credentials on the DHL Express Developer Portal. Then, follow the steps in the next section: Get DHL Express API Key and API Secret.

  4. Choose an Account Nickname (this helps you to identify the account in ShipStation).

  5. Click Connect.

Get DHL Express API Key and API Secret

After you have registered for your credentials on the DHL Express Developer Portal, you should receive an email that instructs you to update your password and directs you to: From here, you can make a request to gain access to the MyDHL API Production environment, where you can obtain your Key and Secret.

To make a request:

  1. Click APIs from the top navigation and check Shipping in the side menu. Then click the DHL Express - MyDHL API tile.

  2. Click Get Access.

  3. Fill the necessary information into the DHL EXPRESS - MYDHL API ON-BOARDING REQUEST form.

    • DHL Express Account Number: Enter your 9-digit DHL Account Number

    • Requestor Company Details: Input your information

    • Are the Requestor Details the same as the DHL Express Account Owner details?: Select Yes

      MyDHL API request form with blank fields
    • How would you like to use the API?: Select "I require credentials to DHL Express – MyDHL API for an existing plugin/ecommerce platform/third-party solution."

    • Requestor Platform Name: Enter ShipStation

    • Requested Services: Tick on Rating and Shipment.

    • Rating Details: Enter 'Rating' and add your monthly shipment volume

    • Create Shipment Details: Enter 'Create Shipment' and add your monthly shipment volume

  4. Tick on 'I accept the DHL Express Terms of Use' and 'I accept the DHL Express General Terms and Privacy and Cookies Policy' and click Submit.

    Within 24 hours on working days, you will receive 2 emails from DHL XML Services Portal:

    • DHL Express - MyDHL API: Test access approved

    • DHL Express - MyDHL API: Production access approved

  5. Click the URL located in the email titled DHL Express - MyDHL API: Production access approved and log in to the API Developer Portal using registered Username and Password.

  6. Click DHL Express - MyDHL API - Company name - JP on the Apps page.

  7. Click Show key to see your API Key and API Secret.

    You can now paste your DHL Express API Key and API Secret into ShipStation.

Available Features for DHL Express

Select the country your account is based in to see which standard features DHL Express does and does not support.

Additional Features with DHL Express

The ShipStation integration with DHL Express allows for these additional features:



Delivered Duties Paid (DDP) is supported

Enable the option Bill duties and taxes to payor of shipping charges to have the costs of duties and taxes billed back to your DHL Express account, instead of to your customer.

This can be used in conjunction with third-party or recipient billing, so you can select which account will be responsible for the duties and taxes.

Paperless Trade (PLT)

ShipStation will automatically try to submit customs information electronically through DHL Express' PLT service. If ShipStation is not able to submit customs information through PLT (either because it's not enabled for your DHL Express account or because the destination country does not support PLT), you will need to print any necessary customs forms.

IOSS and TIN support

ShipStation formally supports IOSS and other Tax Identifier Numbers. Set up your TIN in International Settings.

Country of origin in the customs line items

ShipStation now sends the country of origin in the customs line items and also includes “place of incoterm”.

Third-Party and Recipient billing

You may bill label charges to an account other than the DHL Express account connected to your ShipStation account. This is called third-party billing.

Third-party billing is available when creating labels through your own DHL Express account in ShipStation. It is not available when using DHL Express from ShipStation.

  1. Select the DHL Express service, package type, weight, and other options for the shipment, as usual.

  2. Go to Other Shipping Options and choose ThirdParty from the Shipping Account drop-down menu.

    Shipping sidebar other shipping options shows ThirdParty as Shipping Account
  3. Enter the Account #, Country, and account zip code.

  4. Create the label.

Schedule Pickup within ShipStation app

Under the Shipments tab, go to the Carrier Pickup section to schedule a DHL Pickup (available if DHL Express is connected to your account).

From here you can schedule a pickup time for DHL Express shipments. Review the Schedule a DHL Express Pickup section below for details.

🇺🇸 Supports InXpress, Preferred Ship, and International Logistics Solutions rates

US-based accounts: ShipStation can display rates when you use a DHL Express account obtained through the DHL postage resellers InXpress, Preferred Ship, and International Logistics Solutions. To enable these rate displays, you must contact ShipStation Support .

🇺🇸 Support-Enabled Features for DHL Express

In addition to the features listed above, US accounts can enable the following settings for DHL Express via the ShipStation support team.



ITN supported for shipments originating from the US.

ITN is turned off for shipments exceeding $2500, but ShipStation will automatically send NOEEI (no electronic export information) codes for shipments $2500 and under.

If you'd like ITN turned on for shipments over $2500, please contact ShipStation support and request this option be enabled for your account.

The carrier can be used to create domestic shipping labels.

The carrier can be used to create international shipping labels.

ShipStation will submit international customs declarations electronically to the carrier.

The carrier can be used to create domestic return labels.

ShipStation will display estimated shipping rates for the carrier based on the connected account information and shipment details.

Shipment insurance, provided by the shipment's selected carrier, can be added to the shipment in ShipStation. This insurance would be in addition to any default coverage already provided by that carrier.

Shipping labels created for this carrier will include a tracking number that can be used to view the shipment status on the carrier's tracking website. Tracking may not be available for all shipping services.

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and submit the manifest electronically. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. A printable file may or may not be available when submitted electronically - see End of Day (PDF).

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and create a printable PDF of the manifest to provide to the carrier. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. The file may or may not be submitted electronically - see End of Day (Electronic).

ShipStation can print the store's logo on shipping labels created for this carrier. Label branding may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

ShipStation can print information on the label as a label message (configure in Label Document Options). The carrier may or may not support all 3 label message fields and label messages may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

This carrier can be used to create multi-package shipments, where multiple labels are created for a single shipment and the individual packages are linked together in a single shipment record with a master tracking number.

You can connect this carrier to ShipStation multiple times using different accounts and choose which account will be used to create each shipment.

The carrier can be used to create domestic shipping labels.

The carrier can be used to create international shipping labels.

ShipStation will submit international customs declarations electronically to the carrier.

The carrier can be used to create domestic return labels.

ShipStation will display estimated shipping rates for the carrier based on the connected account information and shipment details.

Shipment insurance, provided by the shipment's selected carrier, can be added to the shipment in ShipStation. This insurance would be in addition to any default coverage already provided by that carrier.

Shipping labels created for this carrier will include a tracking number that can be used to view the shipment status on the carrier's tracking website. Tracking may not be available for all shipping services.

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and submit the manifest electronically. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. A printable file may or may not be available when submitted electronically - see End of Day (PDF).

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and create a printable PDF of the manifest to provide to the carrier. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. The file may or may not be submitted electronically - see End of Day (Electronic).

ShipStation can print the store's logo on shipping labels created for this carrier. Label branding may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

ShipStation can print information on the label as a label message (configure in Label Document Options). The carrier may or may not support all 3 label message fields and label messages may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

This carrier can be used to create multi-package shipments, where multiple labels are created for a single shipment and the individual packages are linked together in a single shipment record with a master tracking number.

You can connect this carrier to ShipStation multiple times using different accounts and choose which account will be used to create each shipment.

The carrier can be used to create domestic shipping labels.

The carrier can be used to create international shipping labels.

ShipStation will submit international customs declarations electronically to the carrier.

The carrier can be used to create domestic return labels.

ShipStation will display estimated shipping rates for the carrier based on the connected account information and shipment details.

Shipment insurance, provided by the shipment's selected carrier, can be added to the shipment in ShipStation. This insurance would be in addition to any default coverage already provided by that carrier.

Shipping labels created for this carrier will include a tracking number that can be used to view the shipment status on the carrier's tracking website. Tracking may not be available for all shipping services.

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and submit the manifest electronically. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. A printable file may or may not be available when submitted electronically - see End of Day (PDF).

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and create a printable PDF of the manifest to provide to the carrier. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. The file may or may not be submitted electronically - see End of Day (Electronic).

ShipStation can print the store's logo on shipping labels created for this carrier. Label branding may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

ShipStation can print information on the label as a label message (configure in Label Document Options). The carrier may or may not support all 3 label message fields and label messages may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

This carrier can be used to create multi-package shipments, where multiple labels are created for a single shipment and the individual packages are linked together in a single shipment record with a master tracking number.

You can connect this carrier to ShipStation multiple times using different accounts and choose which account will be used to create each shipment.

DHL Express Service Details

Select the country your account is based in to see which DHL Express services, package types, and confirmation options are available to you.

Schedule a DHL Express Pickup

ShipStation allows you to schedule a pickup time for your DHL Express shipments directly within the ShipStation application.

You may incur a pickup fee if you schedule a single pickup when you use your own DHL Express account.

To schedule a pickup for your DHL Express Shipments:

  1. Select DHL Express from the Schedule a Pickup drop-down menu.

    The Schedule a Pickup drop-down with FedEx, DHL Express, and UPS pickup options.
  2. Complete the required information: Ship From location, the primary contact for this shipment, date of pickup, and time frame.

    Schedule Pickup Popup. Lists Location, Pickup Contact, Date, and time window.

    The DHL Scheduler Pickup Date will default to the next day so you might not see any Open Shipments appear in the pop-up. To view open shipments, change the Pickup Date to match the Ship Date on the label.

  3. Click the Schedule Pickup button to submit the pickup.

Cancel a Scheduled Pickup

  1. Select Carrier Pickups from the left-hand sidebar. 

  2. Select the checkbox next to the pickup you want to cancel.

  3. Click the Cancel Pickup button.

  4. Confirm your cancellation in the pop-up when prompted.

Alternative DHL Express Schedule Process

If you are unable to successfully schedule your DHL Express pickup in the ShipStation pickup scheduler, you can also use the Schedule a Pickup form on the DHL Express website. Or, you can find a nearby drop-off location.

To use the DHL Express online scheduler:

  1. Go to and select the Schedule a Pickup option.

  2. Select No to indicate that you already have a label.

  3. Select I have a DHL Waybill Number.

  4. Enter the waybill number (this is the same as the label's tracking number from ShipStation.

  5. Click Next.

DHLX pick up scheduler form with the numbered annotations on the form fields.

You'll then be prompted to fill in the pickup details to complete the process.

File a DHL Express Insurance Claim

Should one of your DHL Express packages get lost or damaged, DHL Express includes standard liability to reimburse you.

The shipper must file the claim and file it within 30 days of the date DHL accepted the shipment. Claims are subject to DHL Express's terms and conditions.

Steps to File a Claim with DHL Express

You can file a claim using DHL's online forms.

  1. Go to the DHL Express File a Claim page and select the type of claim you wish to file.

  2. Complete and submit the claims form to DHL.

  3. Include all relevant documentation to support your claim.

    The claim form also specifies this need for documentation, and the form states that different claim types will require different documents.

  4. Include photographs of both the item and the packaging if the claim is for damage.

  5. Review the forms to ensure the accuracy of information. (Incomplete or inaccurate forms can delay a claim or can result in denial of a claim.)

Written notification of the resolution will be mailed to the claimant's address specified on the claim form.

Notes about the DHL Express Claims Process

  • For damage claims, DHL reserves the right to inspect any shipment of any value. For this reason, the recipient must retain the original shipment, packaging, and included documentation.

  • DHL is not liable for circumstances beyond its control or for anything that arises out of the shipper’s failure to comply with DHL’s warranties. For specific information about the shipper's responsibility and DHL's liability, please review DHL's Terms and Conditions.

DHL Express Integration Notes

  • DHL reserves the right to charge adjustments for administrative and other costs. It is the shipper's responsibility to manage all DHL shipment fees and subsequent adjustments.

    To ensure your rates in ShipStation are accurate, always enter the true weight and dimensions of all shipments before creating the labels. See the DHL website for more details or contact DHL support.

  • DHL Express requires a Company Name in both the Ship To and Ship From address fields. If no Company Name is available, ShipStation will reuse the Name field.

  • Voiding a label in ShipStation does not void that shipment within the DHL Express system.

    DHL does not provide the capability to void labels. You will not be charged for the label unless the shipment is physically picked up and scanned into the network by a courier.

  • DHL Express shipments created in ShipStation appear in DHL ProView on your DHL account. The shipments will not appear in the MyDHL shipments tab.

  • ShipStation will combine all three Label Messages into the Ref #1 field on DHL Express shipping labels.

  • When you use the multi-package shipping option, there is a limit of 99 packages with a maximum total weight of 2200 lbs / 1000 kgs.

  • Shipping to the Republic of Ireland: As of July 2, 2023, the inclusion of the correct Eircode (Postal Code) for shipments entering the Republic of Ireland (ROI) is mandatory on all DHL Express shipments. Learn more about and look up Eircodes on the Eircode website.

  • ShipStation generates a commercial invoice for you and sends it electronically to DHL Express. You may also print a copy to include in your shipment.

  • Federal tax ID and EORI numbers are sent electronically for DHL Express international shipments. Any additional tax identifiers will be included on the commercial invoice.

  • DHL is likely to return shipments sent to residential addresses in Russia back to the sender. This is because Russian customs authorities examine all dutiable shipments with extreme scrutiny and there is no guarantee the package will be sent to its destination after inspection. You may wish to use a different carrier for shipments bound for a residential address in Russia.

    DHL will deliver shipments to commercial addresses without issue.

  • 🇺🇸 US accounts:

    • The maximum weight for an Express Envelope shipment is 10 oz and you must use DHL's branded envelope packaging.

    • ShipStation does not provide the required EEI/ECCN for shipments sent to China, Russia, or Venezuela. See the DHL website for more information.

  • 🇨🇦 Canada accounts: Rates for reseller accounts will not display in ShipStation unless they link their rates with InXpress, Preferred Shipping. See details in Available Features.

  • 🇬🇧 UK shipments: DHL Express UK manifests are not submitted automatically. You must perform the End of Day action to manifest your DHL Express UK shipments.

  • 🇦🇺 🇳🇿 Australia & New Zealand: DHL Express rates are not yet available in the Rate Calculator for Australia and New Zealand-based accounts.

DHL Express Troubleshooting

Here are some common issues, potential causes, and troubleshooting tips.


How to Troubleshoot or Resolve

Error - A shipping carrier error occurred: (1) Paperless shipment service is not allowed for one of these reasons: Shipper or receiver\n country doesn't support Paperless Service, the product selected doesn't support Paperless\n or the declared value entered is greater than the allowed limit. Please contact DHL representative\n for further information or resubmit as regular shipment.

What it means: The DHL Express shipment is blocked from processing due to Paperless Trade (PLT) settings. You can still get rates for the shipment even though a label cannot be created.

What to do: Contact ShipStation Support and ask that we disable your account’s Paperless Trade (PLT) for customs.

Error: The requested Special Service Codes AA is not available. Please make sure data entered is valid before proceeding or contact our customer service.

What it means: You have likely selected non-supported options for your DHL Express shipments. This error likely indicates that incorrect Other Shipping Options are being used.

What to do: See the Label Options section of the Available Shipping Options by Carrier help article to confirm which options are supported. Or, try removing the options one by one to see which option is causing the error. Then proceed with the shipment without selecting that option.

Error: Validation: Pickup location notes must be provided TransactionID=XXXXX

What it means: This error may occur when you attempt to schedule a pickup for DHL Express from ShipStation and cannot edit the contact information.

What to do:

  1. Create a new, identical Contact for the user.

  2. Specify the pickup notes to read something like, “No extra notes specified” and define actual pickup notes in the Contact.

Error: DHL Express cannot find the recipient address when you attempt to create a label.

Typically these errors will be displayed in one of two ways:

  1. Cannot determine destination service. Check recipient information and resubmit. If this problem reoccurs contact your technical service representative.

  2. The destination country X location postal code Y or City Z is invalid. Please check the destination country location details.

Both of these errors indicate that the recipient address is not formatted properly for DHL Express shipments. Compare the address details using the DHL Compatibility Tool and correct the address where needed.

Error: in parsing request XML:Error: cvc-length-valid: Value '' with length = '0' is not facet-valid with respect to length '2' for type 'CountryCode'. at line 63, column 32

What it means: On international shipments, the country of origin field for an item’s customs declaration is either empty or has an invalid value.

What to do: Verify that the origin country field for an item has been updated in the product record.

The carrier can be used to create domestic shipping labels.

The carrier can be used to create international shipping labels.

ShipStation will submit international customs declarations electronically to the carrier.

The carrier can be used to create domestic return labels.

ShipStation will display estimated shipping rates for the carrier based on the connected account information and shipment details.

Shipment insurance, provided by the shipment's selected carrier, can be added to the shipment in ShipStation. This insurance would be in addition to any default coverage already provided by that carrier.

Shipping labels created for this carrier will include a tracking number that can be used to view the shipment status on the carrier's tracking website. Tracking may not be available for all shipping services.

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and submit the manifest electronically. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. A printable file may or may not be available when submitted electronically - see End of Day (PDF).

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and create a printable PDF of the manifest to provide to the carrier. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. The file may or may not be submitted electronically - see End of Day (Electronic).

ShipStation can print the store's logo on shipping labels created for this carrier. Label branding may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

ShipStation can print information on the label as a label message (configure in Label Document Options). The carrier may or may not support all 3 label message fields and label messages may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

This carrier can be used to create multi-package shipments, where multiple labels are created for a single shipment and the individual packages are linked together in a single shipment record with a master tracking number.

You can connect this carrier to ShipStation multiple times using different accounts and choose which account will be used to create each shipment.

The carrier can be used to create domestic shipping labels.

The carrier can be used to create international shipping labels.

ShipStation will submit international customs declarations electronically to the carrier.

The carrier can be used to create domestic return labels.

ShipStation will display estimated shipping rates for the carrier based on the connected account information and shipment details.

Shipment insurance, provided by the shipment's selected carrier, can be added to the shipment in ShipStation. This insurance would be in addition to any default coverage already provided by that carrier.

Shipping labels created for this carrier will include a tracking number that can be used to view the shipment status on the carrier's tracking website. Tracking may not be available for all shipping services.

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and submit the manifest electronically. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. A printable file may or may not be available when submitted electronically - see End of Day (PDF).

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and create a printable PDF of the manifest to provide to the carrier. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. The file may or may not be submitted electronically - see End of Day (Electronic).

ShipStation can print the store's logo on shipping labels created for this carrier. Label branding may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

ShipStation can print information on the label as a label message (configure in Label Document Options). The carrier may or may not support all 3 label message fields and label messages may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

This carrier can be used to create multi-package shipments, where multiple labels are created for a single shipment and the individual packages are linked together in a single shipment record with a master tracking number.

You can connect this carrier to ShipStation multiple times using different accounts and choose which account will be used to create each shipment.

The carrier can be used to create domestic shipping labels.

The carrier can be used to create international shipping labels.

ShipStation will submit international customs declarations electronically to the carrier.

The carrier can be used to create domestic return labels.

ShipStation will display estimated shipping rates for the carrier based on the connected account information and shipment details.

Shipment insurance, provided by the shipment's selected carrier, can be added to the shipment in ShipStation. This insurance would be in addition to any default coverage already provided by that carrier.

Shipping labels created for this carrier will include a tracking number that can be used to view the shipment status on the carrier's tracking website. Tracking may not be available for all shipping services.

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and submit the manifest electronically. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. A printable file may or may not be available when submitted electronically - see End of Day (PDF).

ShipStation can close the day's shipments for the carrier and create a printable PDF of the manifest to provide to the carrier. The End of Day process may be mandatory or optional, based on the carrier and your account with them. The file may or may not be submitted electronically - see End of Day (Electronic).

ShipStation can print the store's logo on shipping labels created for this carrier. Label branding may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

ShipStation can print information on the label as a label message (configure in Label Document Options). The carrier may or may not support all 3 label message fields and label messages may not be available for all services supported by this carrier.

This carrier can be used to create multi-package shipments, where multiple labels are created for a single shipment and the individual packages are linked together in a single shipment record with a master tracking number.

You can connect this carrier to ShipStation multiple times using different accounts and choose which account will be used to create each shipment.

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