Verify & Print Shipments with Barcode Scan

ShipStation includes barcode scanning to both verify the products you pack into a shipment and to initiate printing labels for those shipments. To verify shipments, you'll scan either SKU or UPC barcodes for items as you pack. You can use the Verify option independently from the print option, or you can combine them to create a rapid barcode scanning workflow for your pick, pack, and ship process.

The ShipStation Scan options are located in the Scan tab.

Closeup of Toolbar with Scan tab selected

There are three Scan workflow options for barcodes:

  • Scan to Print will print labels for orders as you scan them.

  • Scan to Verify confirms the picker has the right items to pack.

  • Scan to Verify and Print will confirm the item you pack then allow you to print the label for that shipment.

Requirements for Scan Workflows

For your chosen workflow, here is what you need before you begin:

For All Workflows

  • A barcode scanner.

    TIP: We recommend enabling your barcode scanner's carriage return function so it sends an "Enter" signal after each scan.

  • Packing slips with a Scan to View Barcode or an order number barcode.

Requirements for Verify Workflow

  • Set preferences for Scan to Verify & Print to support UPC, Item SKU, and/or Fulfillment SKU for items.

    Go to Settings >Shipping > Workflow Settings > Scan To Verify Items By to set your preference.

  • Add UPCs and/or Fulfillment SKUs to your product records.

    We recommend using our CSV import method to add UPCs or Fulfillment SKUs to all of your products at once.

    Multiple UPC Codes Not Supported

    Scan to Verify does not support using multiple UPC codes or Fulfillment SKUs on a single product.

Requirements for Print Workflow

  • Install ShipStation Connect and sign in (if not already installed and running).

  • Preconfigured shipment weights or a connected USB scale.

  • If using ShipStation Carriers, auto-funding MUST be enabled.

For the Verify & Print workflow, ensure you meet all the requirements listed above.

Scan to Print

The Scan to Print feature allows you to scan a packing slip barcode to quickly view an order and create and print the label. For orders that already have their shipment details configured, Scan to Print allows you to weigh packages and print labels in quick succession.

Use Scan to Print

Use Scan to Print Legacy Layout

Scan to Verify

The Scan to Verify workflow allows you to scan a UPC or SKU barcode to confirm the picker has the right items to pack, which minimizes packing errors and provides the ability to apply precise package weight for each shipment.

Scan to Verify gives audio and visual feedback when you scan an item barcode to help you detect packing errors and confirm that the contents of every order are correct.

In Scan to Verify mode, ShipStation will mark orders as Verified once all items in a shipment are scanned. ShipStation will then be immediately ready to verify the next order.

The Scan to Verify mode does not have a label print step. To automatically create and print a label after verifying, use the Scan to Verify & Print mode.

Not Available in ShipStation Legacy

The Scan to Verify feature is only available in ShipStation's new layout.

Use Scan to Verify

  1. Print packing slips for your orders.

  2. Set the Workflow to Scan to Verify.

    Scan page with Scan to Verify selected the Find Shipment field highlighted
  3. Scan a barcode from your packing slip or enter the order number manually to open the order you wish to verify.

  4. Choose one of three ways to verify the products in the order (each method is tracked and reported differently):

    • Scan the barcode for each product in the order,

    • Click Verify to manually verify each line item,

    • Click Verify All to verify all order items.

    Scan page with an order open and arrows pointing to the Verify and Verify All options
  5. Click Mark as Verified once all items in the shipment have been verified. You will immediately move on to the next shipment.

    If you do not want to click Mark as Verified after verifying all your products, you can adjust the Workflow Settings for your account so that ShipStation will automatically move to the next shipment after you verify the last product in an order.

Enable Barcode Scanner Carriage Return

If your barcode scanner is not set to send a carriage return (equivalent to pressing the Enter key), you may find that you must manually click Verify after scanning a UPC or SKU for an order. This is because ShipStation is not receiving the "Enter" signal from the scanner and is waiting for you to click Verify Item.

Enable the carriage return on your barcode scanner so the scanner will send an "Enter" signal as soon as you scan the UPC or SKU. ShipStation will then verify the item upon scan and be immediately ready for the next scan event without you performing any additional actions.

Scan to Verify & Print

In the Scan to Verify & Print workflow, you will scan a UPC or SKU barcode to confirm the picker has the right items to pack then automatically move to the print label step once all items are verified.

Scan to Verify & Print provides audio and visual feedback when you scan an item barcode. This allows you to detect packing errors and confirm that the contents of every order are correct.

Not Available in ShipStation Legacy

The Scan to Verify & Print feature is only available in ShipStation's new layout.

Use Scan to Verify & Print

To view an order's history or to reprint a label, scan the barcode on the packing slip again while in the Scan to Verify & Print screen.

Scan page with a shipped order open and the Reprint Label button highlighted

See Scan to Verify & Print in Action

GIF demonstration of how to use a scale with Scan to Verify

Use Barcode Scan Actions to Purchase and Print the Label

To make your workflow even more efficient, use the Purchase and Print Label barcode scan action to remove mouse clicks and hotkeys from your process entirely!

Click Print Barcode Sheet in the Scan to Verify & Print screen.

Scan page with Print Barcode Sheet link highlighted

This will print the Scan to Print Barcode, which you can keep at your workstation. Scan this barcode to purchase and print the labels for each order, instead of clicking the Print Label button or using the P hotkey.

Scan to Print Barcode. Reads, "Once you're in Scan to Print mode, scan the barcode on a packing slips to get started."

The widget in ShipStation where all shipping options are set. The widget appears in the Orders grid Shipping Sidebar, as well as the Order and Shipment Details screens.

The widget in ShipStation where all shipping options are set. The widget appears in the Orders grid Shipping Sidebar, as well as the Order and Shipment Details screens.

The widget in ShipStation where all shipping options are set. The widget appears in the Orders grid Shipping Sidebar, as well as the Order and Shipment Details screens.

The widget in ShipStation where all shipping options are set. The widget appears in the Orders grid Shipping Sidebar, as well as the Order and Shipment Details screens.

Adding a Scale (Optional)

Connect a USB scale to automatically apply the package weight to the shipment in ShipStation.

Select the scale during setup, scan each item, and place it in the box. Once all items are scanned and the box is packed, place the box on the scale. This will automatically apply the weight from your scale as the weight of the shipment so you can create your label right away.

Scan page open with the Select a Scale menu open and a scale selected

OPTIONAL: Use a scale as you add items and packing material. The scale will detect the added weight (bubble wrap, bonus gift, additional products, etc) and adjust as you pack the shipment.

Notes about Scan Workflows

  • Once an order is Marked as Verified, the order will display Verified in the header of the shipment in its Order Details.

    Order Details showing that the order has been verified
  • The Verify workflows are not for inventory management, nor do they add products to an order with a scan. Ideally, you will have checked the order against inventory before sending a picker to pack those items.

    If an item is out of stock, we recommend you create separate shipments for the in-stock and out-of-stock items.

  • If you have created Shipping Strategies, they will be available to select on the Order Details.

  • During Scan to Verify & Print or Scan to Verify, if you scan an item in the order but not currently visible in the item list, a notification will alert you that an out-of-view item has been counted/verified.

  • You may need to adjust the barcode size printed on your packing slips to accommodate your scanner. Please review the Change Barcode Size, Type, and Font section of the Adding Barcodes to Packing Slips article to learn how.

  • Most general-purpose barcode scanners will work with scan workflows, be it USB or Bluetooth. Models we've tested that work well include the Zebra Symbol LS2208 and the Motorola LI4278.

    USB scales that don’t fall asleep are ideal, as ShipStation Connect cannot wake up devices that have turned themselves off due to inactivity.

  • Orders must have the following information before you can create a label:

    • A Ship From Location

    • Shipping Service

    • Package Type

    Increase Efficiency

    Use Preset Hotkeys or automation to set these options quickly.

  • If you scan the packing slip for an order with a label already generated, you can print the existing label by pressing P or scanning the Purchase and Print Label barcode.

  • If the order weight is 0, but the service/package combination allows it (like flat rate services), the rate will display in orange.

The widget in ShipStation where all shipping options are set. The widget appears in the Orders grid Shipping Sidebar, as well as the Order and Shipment Details screens.

The widget in ShipStation where all shipping options are set. The widget appears in the Orders grid Shipping Sidebar, as well as the Order and Shipment Details screens.

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