Insights Pages - Legacy

Insights pages, located under the Insights tab in the top toolbar, provide data visualizations to give you at-a-glance information about your order and shipment volume, sales trends, customer engagement, and more.

Closeup of Toolbar. Insights tab highlighted.

The sections below provide details about what each part of the visual reports means, and where it pulls the information from.

Using the current layout?

If you are using ShipStation's current layout, review this Insights article for details instead.


The Overview page provides information about the number of new orders in ShipStation, how many still need to be shipped, how many shipments were created, and a quick reference to the amount of sales your stores have had.

Below, the numbers in red on the screenshot correspond to their listed explanations.



What does it mean?


Date Range

Date range used to generate the charts and graphs found on this page. Click the drop-down to adjust.


New Orders

Count of orders that have an Order Date within the date range.


Ready to Ship

Count of orders in the Awaiting Shipment status that have an Order Date within the date range.


Orders Shipped

Count of orders in the Shipped status that have an Order Date within the date range.


New Orders Graph Point

Count of orders which have an Order Date that matches the graph timestamp.


Shipped Orders Graph Point

Count of orders in the Shipped status that have an Order Date which matches the graph timestamp.


Open Order Aging Graph

Count of orders in the Awaiting Shipment status that have an Order Date within the date range, separated based on length of time between paid date and current date.


Shipment By Carrier Graph

Count of shipping labels created for orders that have an Order Date within the date range, separated based on shipping carrier.


Sales by Store Name

Store Name of selling channel or marketplace. Sales by Store chart will show the top-five stores.


Sales by Store Revenue

Sum of Order Total for all orders in the store that have an Order Date within the date range. Sales by Store chart will show the top-five stores.


The Operations page provides information about the shipments created in ShipStation and how this information relates to processing speed within ShipStation.

Operations report annotated with numbers.


What does it mean?


Date Range

Date range used to generate the charts and graphs found on this page. Click the drop-down to adjust.


Shipment Count

Count of shipping labels created within the date range.


Shipping Revenue Total

Sum of Shipping Paid for orders linked to shipping labels created within the date range. This represents what the customer paid for shipping at checkout.


Shipping Cost Total

Sum of Carrier Fee for shipping labels created within the date range. This represents the actual cost of the shipping label.


Net Shipping Revenue

The difference between Shipping Revenue Totals and Shipping Cost Total.


Shipment Graph Point

Count of shipping labels created within the date range.


Shipment By Carrier Graph

Count of shipping labels created for orders that have an Order Date within the date range, separated based on shipping carrier.


Shipments by Class Graph

Count of shipping labels created for orders that have an Order Date within the date range. The graph differentiates each category by shipping speed.


Shipments by User Name

Full name of user who created shipping labels. Shipments by User chart will show the top five users. Clicking More will direct you to the Shipment Count by User report.


Shipments by User Count

Total count of shipping labels created by user within the date range. Shipments by User chart will show the top-five users. Clicking More will direct you to the Shipment Count by User report.


Current Account Balances Chart

Displays the current balance for connected USPS Postage Providers. Available for, Express 1, and Endicia.


Open Order Aging Graph

Count of orders in the Awaiting Shipment status that have an Order Date within the date range, separated based on length of time between paid date and current date.


Fulfillment Speed Graph

Count of shipping labels created within the date range, separated by order age.

  • Outer ring = 1 day

  • Inner ring = 5 days

The order's age is determined by the length of time that has passed between the order paid date and the date the label was created.

Customer Engagement

The Customer Engagement page provides information about the rate of interaction your customers have with ShipStation's confirmation e-mails and the Branded Tracking page.

Customer engagement report with number annotations.

Apple Mail Privacy Protection (MPP) Implications

After Apple releases its MPP update (late September 2021), you may see an artificially inflated open count and open percentage. This is because any Apple Mail user that receives your notification and has MPP enabled will automatically appear to have opened the message, even when they haven't.

This is due to how the the MPP feature pre-fetches open tracking pixels. You may want to rely more on click counts and percentages to measure email notification engagement.


What does it mean?


Store Filter

Store(s) used to generate the charts and graphs found on this page. Click the drop-down to adjust.


Date Range

Date range used to generate the charts and graphs found on this page. Click the drop-down to adjust.


Shipment Emails Sent Count

Total count of shipment notification emails sent for orders within the store and date range.


Shipment Emails Delivered Count

Count of shipment notification emails delivered within the store and date range.


Shipment Emails Delivered Percentage

Percentage of sent shipment notification emails that were delivered.


Shipment Emails Opened Count

Count of shipment notification emails opened within the store and date range.


Shipment Emails Opened Percentage

Percentage of delivered shipment notification emails that were opened.


Shipment Emails Clicked Link Count

Count of shipment notification emails where link was clicked within the store and date range.


Shipment Emails Clicked Link Percentage

Percentage of opened shipment notification emails where a link was clicked.


Delivery Emails Sent Count

Total count of delivery notification emails sent for orders within the store and date range.


Delivery Emails Delivered Count

Count of delivery notification emails delivered within the store and date range.


Delivery Emails Delivered Percentage

Percentage of sent delivery notification emails that were delivered.


Delivery Emails Opened Count

Count of delivery notification emails opened within the store and date range.


Delivery Emails Opened Percentage

Percentage of delivered delivery notification emails that were opened.


Delivery Emails Clicked Link Count

Count of delivery notification emails where link was clicked within the store and date range.


Delivery Emails Clicked Link Percentage

Percentage of opened delivery notification emails where a link was clicked.


Branded Tracking Page - Total Customer Visits

Total count of views for the Branded Tracking page.


Branded Tracking Page - Unique Customers

Count of different customers who viewed the Branded Tracking page.


Branded Tracking Page - Return Customers

Count of customers who viewed the Branded Tracking page more than once.


Branded Tracking Page - Average Average Views

Average number of times a customer who viewed the Branded Tracking page returned to the page.


Branded Tracking Page - Visited Website Total

Count of clicks on the link generated using the store's Website Branding setting.


Branded Tracking Page - Contacted by Email Total

Count of clicks on the the link generated using the store's Email Branding setting.


Branded Tracking Page - Viewed Facebook Total

Count of clicks on the link generated using the store's Facebook Branding setting.


Branded Tracking Page - Viewed Twitter Total

Count of clicks on the link generated using the store's Twitter Branding setting.


Branded Tracking Page - Viewed Instagram Total

Count of clicks on the link generated using the store's Instagram Branding setting.


Branded Tracking Page - Visited Website Unique

Count of first-time clicks on the link generated using the store's Website Branding setting.


Branded Tracking Page - Contacted by Email Unique

Count of first-time clicks on the link generated using the store's Email Branding setting.


Branded Tracking Page - Viewed Facebook Unique

Count of first-time clicks on the link generated using the store's Facebook Branding setting.


Branded Tracking Page - Viewed Twitter Unique

Count of first-time clicks on the link generated using the store's Twitter Branding setting.


Branded Tracking Page - Viewed Instagram Unique

Count of first-time clicks on the link generated using the store's Instagram Branding setting.

Sales Trends

The Sales Trends page provides information about total sales levels by revenue and quantity, as well as your top products, categories, and stores.

Sales trend report with number annotation.


What does it mean?


Date Range

Date range used to generate the charts and graphs found on this page. Click the drop-down to adjust.


Total Sales

Sum of Extended Price for products found in orders that have an Order Date within the date range.


Sales Versus Last Period

Percentage difference between Total Sales for selected date range and Total Sales for previous period equal to date range

Example: If your date range is This Month, the last period would be the previous month.


Total Orders

Count of orders that have an Order Date within the date range.


New Customers

Count of new customers created within the date range.


Returning Customers

Count of customers who placed an order within the date range that have more than one order linked to their customer record.


Average Order Value

Average of Order Total for orders that have an Order Date within the date range.


Sales Graph Point

Sum of Extended Price for products found in orders that have an Order Date which matches the graph timestamp.


Items Sold Graph Point

A visual representation of the Quantity of items sold by product category.


Top Product Name

Product Name for each product found in orders that have an Order Date within the date range. Chart will show the top-five products.


Top Product Revenue

Sum of Extended Price for each product found in orders that have an Order Date within the date range. Chart will show the top-five products.


Sales by Category Chart

Pie chart representing the Product Category for products found in orders that have an Order Date within the date range.


Sales by Store Name

Store Name of selling channel or marketplace. Sales by Store chart will show the top-five stores.


Sales by Store Revenue

Sum of Order Total for all orders in the store that have an Order Date within the date range. Sales by Store chart will show the top-five stores.

Customer Overview

The Customer Overview page provides information about orders from new and returning customers, where they are located, and who are your top customers.

Customer overview report with number annotations.


What does it mean?


Date Range

Date range used to generate the charts and graphs found on this page. Click the drop-down to adjust.


New Orders

Count of orders that have an Order Date within the date range.


Ready to Ship

Count of orders in the Awaiting Shipment status that have an Order Date within the date range.


Orders Shipped

Count of orders in the Shipped status that have an Order Date within the date range.


New Customers Graph Point

Count of customer records with a Created Date that matches the graph timestamp.


Returning Customers Graph Point

Count of customers who both placed an order with an Order Date that matches the graph timestamp and who have more than one order linked to their customer record.


Orders by Buyer's State (U.S.)

Map that displays the continental U.S. with a count of orders with an Order Date within the date range for each state.


Top Customers Name

Name for each customer who placed an order with an Order Date within the date range. Chart will show the top-five customers.


Top Customers Quantity

Sum of Quantity for all products in orders placed by the customer within the date range. Chart will show the top-five customers.


Top Customer Value

Sum of Extended Price for all products in orders placed by the customer within the date range. Chart will show the top-five customers.

Product Highlights

The Product Highlights page provides information at the product level, including total number of products ordered, unique products ordered, average products per order, and the top products by quantity and revenue.

Product highlights with number annotations.


What does it mean?


Date Range

Date range used to generate the charts and graphs found on this page. Click the drop-down to adjust.


Total Ordered

Sum of Quantity for products found in orders with an Order Date within the date range.


Unique Products Ordered

Count of distinct products found in orders with an Order Date within the date range.


Average Products per Order

Average number of distinct products found within orders with an Order Date within the date range.


Products Sold Quantity Graph Point

A visual representation of the Quantity of items sold by product category.


Products Sold Revenue Graph Point

Sum of Extended Price for products found in orders with an Order Date which matches the graph timestamp.


Sales by Category Chart

Pie chart representing the Product Category for products found in orders that have an Order Date within the date range.


Top Product by Quantity Name

Product Name for each product found in orders with an Order Date within the date range. Chart will show the top-five products.


Top Product by Quantity Count

Sum of Quantity for each product found in orders with an Order Date within the date range. Chart will show the top-five products.


Top Product by Revenue Name

Product Name for each product found in orders that have an Order Date within the date range. Chart will show the top-five products.


Top Product by Revenue Total

Sum of Extended Price for each product found in orders that have an Order Date within the date range. Chart will show the top-five products.

The order's age is determined by the length of time that has passed between the order paid date and the date the label was created.

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