Customer Notifications Settings

Explains what customer notifications are, how to enable and delay them, how to view notification statuses, and resend notification emails in ShipStation.

ShipStation gives you the ability to send email notifications to your customers when an order has been shipped and when the shipment has been delivered.

Email notifications are set at the store level so that you can customize the email notifications for each store connected to your ShipStation account.

See our Set Up Customer Notifications getting started guide for more details.

Customize Your Emails

You can extend your brand experience to your customer notifications by creating custom email templates.

Create as many custom templates as you need to take advantage of different branding settings for each store, include specific order and shipment details, or send coupon codes and other special offers.


A valid email address must be present on the order for ShipStation to send shipment and delivery notifications successfully.

Enable Customer Notification Emails

Shipment and delivery notification emails must be enabled at the store level in ShipStation. Your notification email settings will apply to all shipments for orders imported into ShipStation from that store.

You can enable customer notifications in the Emails tab of your store settings:

  1. Click the Shipment Confirmation Email drop-down menu, then select your desired email template from the list.

    To enable delivery notification emails, click the Delivery Notification Email drop-down menu and select your desired email template.

  2. Click Save Changes to turn on customer notifications.


Repeat the same steps for any store you wish to use ShipStation’s customer notifications. From now on, ShipStation will email shipment confirmations to customers for all orders imported on each store with enabled customer notifications.

To disable customer notification emails, set each drop-down menu to (don't send email) and save your changes.

Delay Customer Notification Emails

When you enable customer notifications, ShipStation sends the shipment notification at the same time it sends the marketplace notification. By default, this occurs when you create the label for a shipment. However, you can delay the shipment notifications in each store's Emails settings.

Delivery Notifications Cannot Be Delayed

Settings to delay marketplace and shipment notifications do not apply to delivery notifications. Delivery notifications are triggered only when the carrier alerts ShipStation that the package has been delivered.

These settings will apply to all shipments from now on. Repeat these steps for any store you'd like to use delayed notifications.

Email Notification Statuses

ShipStation lets you know if your customer notifications were sent and received successfully with Smart Document Tracking

Check the Shipment Notification and Delivery Notification columns in the Shipments tab, or the Smart Document Tracking in the Shipment Details screens.  

Shipment & Delivery Notification Columns in the Shipments Tab

Click on the Shipments tab to view your Shipment or Delivery Notification for your shipment.

Closeup of Toolbar. Shipments tab highlighted.
V3 Shipping grid Shipment Delivery Notification column.

If you do not see the Shipment or Delivery Notification columns, click the Columns button to enable those columns.

Columns button highlighted in the ShipStation UI.

Check the Shipment Notification and Delivery Notification options. Scroll to view, then click and drag to move the columns to the desired position in your grid.

Successful notifications will appear in and say Notified. Failed notifications will appear and say Failed. Hover your mouse over the failed icon to view a pop-up with details on why the notification failed.

Smart Document Tracking

Smart document tracking Statuses, with respective icons. Reads, Packing slip: printed, Label: printed, & Notifications: sent

Will appear in the Shipment Details screens.

The Notifications option indicates both marketplace and customer notifications. Sent notifications will appear in dark grey and say Sent. If either notification failed, this icon will also include a red dot. Hover your mouse over the icon to view a pop-up with details on which notification failed and why.

Resend Failed Notifications

You can resend failed notifications once the cause of the issue has been addressed. 

Smart Document Tracking

Notes About Customer Notification Emails

  • If you wish to add multiple email recipients to an order, use the Order Details screen on the Orders grid by clicking the order number and selecting Edit next to Recipient information. Separate each email address with a comma.

    Some carriers only allow one email address

    While Shipstation supports adding multiple emails for the recipient, some carriers will only accept one email per shipment. To create the label these carriers, you must remove the extra email addresses.

  • By default, notifications are sent from the email address unless you enter and verify a company email address in the Email field of your store's Branding tab. Review our What is Branding? article for details.

  • If delivery notification emails are enabled, ShipStation will email your customer as soon as the carrier notifies ShipStation that the package has been delivered. Depending on the carrier, this may happen immediately upon drop-off or several hours after the shipment has been delivered.

  • Delayed shipment and delivery notification emails are only available for services that include automatic tracking updates from the carrier.

  • If you want to receive a copy of your customer's email, enter an email address into the Blind Copy on Shipment and Delivery Email field in your store's Emails tab. This will tell ShipStation to add that email address as a BCC on every shipment and delivery notification sent to your customers.

  • Some selling channels, including Amazon and Walmart, do not allow third-party apps like ShipStation to send email notifications directly to customers. For these selling channels, the email notification options will not be present in the store's Emails settings in ShipStation.

  • ShipStation cannot delay the notifications for orders Marked as Shipped or shipments fulfilled through a fulfillment provider.

  • If changing from delayed notifications to notify on label creation, ShipStation will not send notifications for shipments already created. Be sure to look up any outstanding shipments and use ShipStation's Resend Notifications option.

Smart Document Tracking
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